Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some Update about Prima.

Got some update from Jean about Prima, but I don't feel comfortable to share during this coming weekend.

Jean told me that the management is confirmed letting Mas go and retire this coming December 2011, on the other hand Mas seem like she wanted to work in Prima for longer time, so Jean clarify with Azad, and Azad ensure her that management is letting Mas go. TS did worry a bit about the jobs and works that handle by Mas may not be able to handle well by new/ other staff, Azad convince TS that he is confidence that no effect on day to day operation after Mas left.

So, Jean sharing this with Rosli and seeking Rosli opinion since Mas seem to be doesn't know that company is willing to let her go this coming December. Rosli advice her being a friend to Mas, hint her about this matter so that she has to workout a retirement plan or talk to TS if she want to stay on at Prima.

On one fine day when Jean reached office earlier and Mas was alone having breakfast in pantry, Jean took the opportunity and try to hint her about the management's plan, is look like she already aware that company is no longer need and required her service, she break into tear and cry with helpless. Jean said Mas really look pity but unable to help her. Jean advice her to look for someone to talk and release her sorrow.

Jean claimed her saving must be left not much, after she spent too much and too fast on her saving and EPF. She bought a new car by cash, change 2 mobile phones, bought a brand new laptop, treat whole Prima's staff few times for breakfast/ lunch and cheated by con-casanova. Guess by now her saving almost not sufficient to cover after her retirement. The best part is, she is spending her holiday now in Australia for 1 month, don't she worry about losing job, saving running low, no retirement plan, etc etc....yet still spend money travel to Australia as usual.

About the con-casanova, Jean claimed Mas so naive, after she launch a police report against the con-casanova case, she go and dig more information about the con-casanova, until she search for his address and looking for him, she told other people she wanted to look for the guy for justice and her money, but in actual fact, she told Shella, she wanted to talk to this con-casanova, try to persuad him get back into relationship and try to change this con-casanova to Mr. Right, apparently she still so in love with him after all this happened. OMG! after I heard this from Jean, i felt like really want to bang her head against the wall until she wake up from the drama dream. What wrong with her? I really don't understand her and can't read her mind. I don't know what is in her mind, even now Shariah also stay away from her and criticize her action and her thought. I don't know how far and how true about this, haven't got a chance to verify Jean's update.

More to update, but can't carry on. May be next update. But please don't bring up this topic during our gathering with Ms Yeap on this coming weekend.


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