Sunday, December 12, 2010

SDK good food anytime XD

Jess, 1st thing 1st! MeeSen not suppose to know I m bc, I hope u didnt blurted out tat I m in Msia ya :P PG is leaving 1st, & my mum 2nd, I think I wanna stay put wif them. MeeSen asked me on MSN b4 whether attending, I ady told her I wont b bac in KL ard tat period.... God pls tolong tolong I hope I wont bump into her or SHY lor....

A wk has passed :D I m stil enjoying d food bit by bit everyday ...slurrrp....

Met couple of frens dy... esp Allen & family bcoz I missed Ava so much!!! Yes, she is ridiculously cute & adorable...wait til u hear her talking haha...

Baby names.... yes, we will wan to make sure it is "nickname"-proof... Stil mths more to think & shortlist no worry haha

I was laughing like crazy our baby name conversation d other day! It was a laughing therapy! So siok aftertat hahaha!

Wua, tis Reuter wanna sell himself higher price gua.... hinting to TS someone wan to "kiu" him over... Wua, apart fr Jean & Rosli, d pcists got ah d blackbelli??? R they tracking d pcists too?? Curious to know :P How Jean found out bout d dodgy SIM card thing?

Jess, eventho u r most bz among us, but when u hv gossips to share wif us, urs most interesting & hot ones!!! Hahahaha!!!

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