Wednesday, December 15, 2010

JESS the gossip QUEEN!!!

Bravo Jess, for giving us such JUICY gossip b4 the end of 2010!! Keep it up ! We look forward to more hotter & juicier gossips from you in 2011!!!

"chow kau" R finally turning his back & backside on TS & family!!! Finally showing his true colours! TS nvr "quai doi" him - giving him 5-figure salary, a Volvo & related exp like petrol etc good bonus, the greedy man even took back "kurma" by the carton at times and sometimes TS's nice hampers (once he took back one big hamper of Paatchi chocolates!!!) haih, wat to do .... TS seemed to trust the wrong ppl at times. All the best to TS & Prima!!

As for Jean, actually she need not feel angry & offended at all IF she din do anything wrong in the 1st place (dun tell me she 'san yau si" too??) I guess the Blackberry with special sim is more meant for ppl like Rosli & Adeline-lah!!!! Y fear ppl tracking on u if u know u r doing your work properly?? Rite?

Jess, are we supposed to know who is Ching Yee? I dun know any Ching Yee while working in Prima-wor? Is it GL or Hooi Yee that u meant?

Your new house .... very spacious & clean & cooling looking-lah, perhaps due to it's empty-gua? ha ha ha!!! So, managed to get a tenant already? Wow, after u gals found a tenant, then effectivelt someone will help paying for your housing loan liao!! Mmmm perhaps i should also look into buying another house, for investment purpose. Any suggestion for location, Jess?

Well, i'm counting down to my Korea trip nest week!! Hopefully we won turn into "ice-cream potong" b'coz of the super duper cold weather!!! Pray for me & my family gal!!! Thanks in advance!!

Well, that's all for now, have to start writing my Minutes of Meeting liao, 2 minutes to write somemore!!! Sob sob sob, "Fu mian"-ar!!


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