Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jess, ur gossip so HOT! hahaha

Jess, 1st & foremost, we know u r hell bz tis wk onwards but we love u so much bcoz u spared ur precious time to baat gua for us hehehehe .... xoxoxoxox!

SHY told SK yday she indeed is preg & avoiding moving too much, mayb to make sure d embryo sticks betul betul to d uterus. Wow, if it is really tat she went thru a 2nd time treatmt, gao gao eh d $$$$....

Wow, if d pcists also get a blackbelli each, lotsa wayang & drama to follow oh in near future, esp if kena caught snaky! LPC memang tak kena wif Adeline all these while too, not surprising if LPC trying to watch on her & pick on her lor. Rosli chaam lor hahaha...

I tot this Rosaini will be a loyal slave to TS 4ever. I was quite shocked he turned his back (& backside!) to TS & Prima man! I wonder how Jean got to know d details so much...for e.g. Azad saying R tak kenang budi la, R has 2 opportunities la etc.. How Jean knows R is leaving Prima soon la... Who will tell her all these wor...LPC & Azad kah?

Jess, who is Ching Yee d hot pari-pari? U mean GuLeong ah??

Well, not surprising if TS has helped WC on her new house lor, TS tactic to tie her down to Prima. Her current car oso helped by TS mah. Somemore such a stupid deal WC oso agree.. at d end of d day, d car belongs to Prima & she is paying d instalmt every mth now right. Did Jean said whr WC's new house is?

Hahahaha, even Dino's own mum oso making fun of his potential names wif u two aunties... According to d book Dino shall b hearing noises now & may respond to noises too...

Jess, don worry, u hv our words. Watever we say/share btwn 3 of us esp in this blog of ours at any point of time, it remains btwn 3 of us... Wont tell anyone except PG la for my side :) he is my other half mah hahaha... Actually wif YCC, I norm reserved a bit & share very general things, no sensitive stuff, afterall we r not like BFF (best fren forever) type ahahahaha.... But wif u 2 wor, I ady tag u all my BFF lor! :P

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