Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year to All My BFF and Sistar!!

Happy New Year, may this 2011 will be another great year for all of us. Muck!!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy New Year buddies!

SK paling 'wai suui" lor this yr, she had white klimess oh XD

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to all my BFF

Merry Merry Christmas, may the "red fat man" bring all the happiness to my BFF. And Happy New Year too.


Monday, December 20, 2010


Yo gals,

2 more days to my Korea trip .... very kan cheong liao!! Ha ha ha

Reuter's case (btw Reuter = Rosaini, in case u gals hv forgotten) is still not firm up yet-lah!! Jess u hv said so yourself, if Reuter needs to come out with lots of $$$$, where and how is he going to do that?? Even though he's got 5 figure salary, he has got a lot of properties (or shall i say he's paying installments for a lot of properties, for the properties as long as have not finish the loan, belong to the bank) 5 kids & wife not working!! If he's got all the characteristics of a typical malay, where earns RM2, spend RM2.50 then he better "kwai kwai" keep his mouth shut & stay in Prima til the day day he retires!!! But then now due to his BIG BIG mouth, TS knows abt his intention liao .... makes the situation a bit complicated-lor .... dun tell me he will eventually ends up empty handed BOTH SIDE-lor!!!

GL ..... rich .... no doubt abt it!! TS said she'll be getting my pay once i left, already ~RM2k increment liao and now ~2 yrs hv past ..... so even higher pay-lor!!! Only one thing to worry abt, the nicer car & bigger house she owns, won't it b more difficult for her to look for a "lou kung"??? Anyway, it's VERY VERY HARD to find a man that can tahan her-lah!!! Ha ha ha!! Anyway, best of luck to her-lah!!

Jess, hv u wrote something wrong-ar? u mentioned that Reuter SAME ROOM with Jean???? one man & the other woman-ler???? if yes, then Jean quite OPEn-oh!! :P

as for Shy, haih, dunno how she is going to settle her debts. She told me after her 1st treatment already got 5 figure credit card debts ..... with the 2nd treatment, all the supplements, clothing etc .... ngai mou ngan con-oh!!!

Jess, i've already informed Mee Sen that i won b attending her wedding dinner by saying i won b in KL on that day. Nothing extra said!!!

later got lunch with Chairman of TAR College, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting .... sien-lah!!!!

OK, that's all for now!


Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Mood

Lina, my new house is located at Sg. Long, I bought it around 300K, my house is not fall under KL, is in Selangor. KL house too expensive not effort to buy. SK, It look spacious in photo in actual fact is not, clean? I doubt, actually quite dusty, cooling is due to white colour effect, actually it quite stuffy and dusty. We still looking for tenant, is not that easy to find a tenant in that location, cause that area a bit far from KL or Selangor center, need to pass thru 2 tols, which need to pay RM1.00 and RM0.90 respectively, plus to and flow trip total up is RM3.80. This area are completely residential area, mostly the residents are own the house not renting. So, my luck to get a tenant are lay on the property agent's hand. This house was bought by my sister but asking me to join in cause with her alone paying installment, she can't effort. My advice to purchase some houses near KL, PJ or Damansara, a bit expensive, but the value and return are high when you sell, even if you want to get a tenant also easy to find.

Last week I was a bit free, so when Jean called me, I can spend time and chit chat with her otherwise I will just say hi and bye, no gossip supply for your gals.

I guess Shy must be damn $$$, 2 times treatment, after treatment, she need to intake a lots of supplements, buying stuff for new born etc. Both of you can do the maths. Where on earth she got that much of $$$. I wonder??

If pharmacist get the smartphone/blackberry phone each of every one, that shown Prima really damn rich. Even if Adeline get caught, so what! they can't do anything beside monitor under the table. The management won't do drastic punishment on them exp like Bob, it took them so long to fired him, I don't see any drama in the near future, if they get the phone lar.

Sorry, Ching Yee is my another fren who has similar character as Hui Yee, I mess up these 2 persons name. I guess don't name your kids with "Yee" cause all my fren with the name of "Yee" has peculiar attitude. Actually, I meant Hui Yee aka GuLeong. Buy new house after change new car, she is damn rich man, i wonder what is her pay now.

Jean said Wai Cheong seem to keep her new house very secretly. She didn't tell where is the place. Getting loan from TS as if like getting long life working contract from TS, one fine day when she resign how she going to pay back? 1st all of can she resign? Unless TS are so generous and said not need to pay back....haha. Can it be happen?

How Jean know about Rosaini and Azap stuff? Good question, I also asked her the same question where on earth she get to know all this stuff, she said Rosli told her cause Rosli travel to outstation or local hospital with Azad and Rosaini, and Rosaini are same room with Jean, Rosli and the other new guy, sometime, Rosaini can't keep to himself and share out with them, sometime, Jean overheard his conversation from his room stuff like attending meeting after work, cause he speak so loud. Rosaini even asked Jean's opinion, did he or did not have 1% percent of TS capability.

Rosaini has this kind of intention i guess is quite normal lor. If he found the opportunity come along, why not crab it. How long he want to work like this with TS, he might think that he put so much effort for TS, in the end what he get is a 5 figure salary, a company car, a luxury hamper, a high resignation what else he get. While TS's brood spend company money like water flow without wink or blink they eyes. Jean said Rosaini keep telling others that he want earn more money to send his kids to oversea for higher education. He got 5 children, if he want to send all 5 children to oversea, with his 5 figure salary, a bit susah lol. Sigh! However, we shall wait and see how this drama goes along, cause according to Jean, the project Rosaini joining required a big sum of capital, his partner got no issue on it but Jean don't think Rosaini has that sum of capital lor, by right he should invite TS to join in as well, and Rosaini should demand for profit sharing to make every party win-win situation and happy ending.

SK, i can felt your excitement about the Korea trip. Take more photos for me to view, cause so far only me haven't been to Korea, Lina went during Prima Company Sales Trip. And take extra care of yourself during the trip, then only you can take care the kiddy.

Lina, don't worry, sharing with your partner is fine, cause his is part of you mah, even if you share with your fren also can, but don't address they name or company lar just in case they are related in this small small world.

Stop now, till then...


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

JESS the gossip QUEEN!!!

Bravo Jess, for giving us such JUICY gossip b4 the end of 2010!! Keep it up ! We look forward to more hotter & juicier gossips from you in 2011!!!

"chow kau" R finally turning his back & backside on TS & family!!! Finally showing his true colours! TS nvr "quai doi" him - giving him 5-figure salary, a Volvo & related exp like petrol etc good bonus, the greedy man even took back "kurma" by the carton at times and sometimes TS's nice hampers (once he took back one big hamper of Paatchi chocolates!!!) haih, wat to do .... TS seemed to trust the wrong ppl at times. All the best to TS & Prima!!

As for Jean, actually she need not feel angry & offended at all IF she din do anything wrong in the 1st place (dun tell me she 'san yau si" too??) I guess the Blackberry with special sim is more meant for ppl like Rosli & Adeline-lah!!!! Y fear ppl tracking on u if u know u r doing your work properly?? Rite?

Jess, are we supposed to know who is Ching Yee? I dun know any Ching Yee while working in Prima-wor? Is it GL or Hooi Yee that u meant?

Your new house .... very spacious & clean & cooling looking-lah, perhaps due to it's empty-gua? ha ha ha!!! So, managed to get a tenant already? Wow, after u gals found a tenant, then effectivelt someone will help paying for your housing loan liao!! Mmmm perhaps i should also look into buying another house, for investment purpose. Any suggestion for location, Jess?

Well, i'm counting down to my Korea trip nest week!! Hopefully we won turn into "ice-cream potong" b'coz of the super duper cold weather!!! Pray for me & my family gal!!! Thanks in advance!!

Well, that's all for now, have to start writing my Minutes of Meeting liao, 2 minutes to write somemore!!! Sob sob sob, "Fu mian"-ar!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jess, ur gossip so HOT! hahaha

Jess, 1st & foremost, we know u r hell bz tis wk onwards but we love u so much bcoz u spared ur precious time to baat gua for us hehehehe .... xoxoxoxox!

SHY told SK yday she indeed is preg & avoiding moving too much, mayb to make sure d embryo sticks betul betul to d uterus. Wow, if it is really tat she went thru a 2nd time treatmt, gao gao eh d $$$$....

Wow, if d pcists also get a blackbelli each, lotsa wayang & drama to follow oh in near future, esp if kena caught snaky! LPC memang tak kena wif Adeline all these while too, not surprising if LPC trying to watch on her & pick on her lor. Rosli chaam lor hahaha...

I tot this Rosaini will be a loyal slave to TS 4ever. I was quite shocked he turned his back (& backside!) to TS & Prima man! I wonder how Jean got to know d details so much...for e.g. Azad saying R tak kenang budi la, R has 2 opportunities la etc.. How Jean knows R is leaving Prima soon la... Who will tell her all these wor...LPC & Azad kah?

Jess, who is Ching Yee d hot pari-pari? U mean GuLeong ah??

Well, not surprising if TS has helped WC on her new house lor, TS tactic to tie her down to Prima. Her current car oso helped by TS mah. Somemore such a stupid deal WC oso agree.. at d end of d day, d car belongs to Prima & she is paying d instalmt every mth now right. Did Jean said whr WC's new house is?

Hahahaha, even Dino's own mum oso making fun of his potential names wif u two aunties... According to d book Dino shall b hearing noises now & may respond to noises too...

Jess, don worry, u hv our words. Watever we say/share btwn 3 of us esp in this blog of ours at any point of time, it remains btwn 3 of us... Wont tell anyone except PG la for my side :) he is my other half mah hahaha... Actually wif YCC, I norm reserved a bit & share very general things, no sensitive stuff, afterall we r not like BFF (best fren forever) type ahahahaha.... But wif u 2 wor, I ady tag u all my BFF lor! :P

Jess! Ur house do-up very nice!!!!

Jess, definitely a good investmt, somemore landed! Whr issit again? I rmbr u told us once about d house long long time ago. How much u bot it for? Wonder if my mum wan to consider investing in a landed property in KL. Very spacious indeed!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Hot Spy - Jess

Don't worry about Mee Sen's wedding dinner, I remember you told me during your last trip back to Malaysia, where by you have reminded us about it. After all, me and SK are not going to Mee Sen wedding too.

Reason: (White Lie)
Jess - Holiday in Singapore
SK - Follow Hubby back to Penang for family trip to visit hubby granny which is old and sick.

Her solority sister, Shy also not attending her wedding dinner too, reason (true but yet to certify): suspected she is pregnant. I heard she undergo another round of fertilisation, it seem like this round she manage to get one. In view of that, she being extra carefully to avoid the baby "small gas"...haha.

Blackberry only for Sales team like Jean, Rosli and the other guy which is from PPUM. Pharmacist didn't get one, but Jean claimed that the pharmacist seem want to demand for a smartphone. Jean wish Prima will give one to pharmacist too with the doggy sim, so that Ardeline can't snake too much. Now even LPC also notice Ardeline seem to be very snaky.

Initially, Jean thought is her boss Azad generosity and kindness to demand from the management each sales with a blackberry for they convenience to excess into email when they are outside. But when Azad ask for her sim card to check, she already started with suspicious, then follow by received a sms from Maxis indicated that some one has been located her vis mobile, if she wish to know who then send back the sms to a destinated number to find out, and she found out is LPC and Azad. She was very sad, but I told her, she can express her anger and dissatisfaction to the management but nothing much she do to remove the bug. Now she seem to be ok, but ko for Rosli lor.

As for Rosaini, he is intend to leaving Prima very soon, cause he is working on his own plan without Azad and TS acknowledgement. Jean said he is on leave for Umrah trip with "Agung" without TS tag along, and more surprise is Azad and TS does not aware he is going on leave. That make Azad very upset with him, said Rosaini tak kenang budi, when he was jobless at home for couple of months after VSS from Sapura, he came and seek TS for job opportunities, now he used TS network to create rapport for his own benefits. According to Jean, he got 2 opportunities in fact to make big money.

Prima's extra hot pari-pari (Ching Yee) just bought a new house at Kota Damansara, near the Curve, actually not really a house, is more to Suite Apartment. She going to organize a house warming at her new house, Jean invited me to tag along, cepat cepat I turn off her invitation. Manalah tau, nanti dia naik angin marah ke, sound i kat her new house. Thanks but no thanks. Even Wai Cheng also bought a new house, she sold out her condominium and bought a landed property, Jean suspect she got financial help from TS, may be not much.

I glad that you have fun during the naming process, but luckily we have the conversation on cyber not verbal otherwise, Dino can heard we making fun on his name, later he will make trouble to this aunty Jess and aunty SK.

Please don't not share this gossip we meet up with YCC, later she turn back to verify with Jean and seek for clarification, I will be die standing. Cause Jean want me to keep to myself.

Stop for now, till then..


My New House - For Rent

As you all know that I already purchase a new house with my sister, just in case my brother got marry and kick all the sisters out from our current stayed house, so here we go and purchase a new house for contingency plan, haha just kidding.

This house is mean for investment only, to avoid me and my sister spend too much on unnecessary stuff, therefore, we bought this house to save money.

I uploaded some photos for you guys to view. So far, only 2 of you among all my friends knew that I bought this house. SO...shhhhh

Sunday, December 12, 2010

SDK good food anytime XD

Jess, 1st thing 1st! MeeSen not suppose to know I m bc, I hope u didnt blurted out tat I m in Msia ya :P PG is leaving 1st, & my mum 2nd, I think I wanna stay put wif them. MeeSen asked me on MSN b4 whether attending, I ady told her I wont b bac in KL ard tat period.... God pls tolong tolong I hope I wont bump into her or SHY lor....

A wk has passed :D I m stil enjoying d food bit by bit everyday ...slurrrp....

Met couple of frens dy... esp Allen & family bcoz I missed Ava so much!!! Yes, she is ridiculously cute & adorable...wait til u hear her talking haha...

Baby names.... yes, we will wan to make sure it is "nickname"-proof... Stil mths more to think & shortlist no worry haha

I was laughing like crazy our baby name conversation d other day! It was a laughing therapy! So siok aftertat hahaha!

Wua, tis Reuter wanna sell himself higher price gua.... hinting to TS someone wan to "kiu" him over... Wua, apart fr Jean & Rosli, d pcists got ah d blackbelli??? R they tracking d pcists too?? Curious to know :P How Jean found out bout d dodgy SIM card thing?

Jess, eventho u r most bz among us, but when u hv gossips to share wif us, urs most interesting & hot ones!!! Hahahaha!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Busy Storm is Coming Thru!

Liang Moi Chai - Ava!Hmmmm, I think ridiculous cute - Ava are more suitable. Hahaha! She is so adorable and cute.

Yeah, I have to agreed with SK that you back to hometown are right in time for all the best food and of course 5 stars first class Mum's homecooked soup. Eat all you want, diet after your confinement, haha!

Right, leave the chinese name to PG and you take care of the english name (of course your sisterhood will help=kacau kacau u). Pity PG, lone ranger crack his head to figure out, while you easy easy have me and SK tiga kepala to think, I'm very confident we will come out a better name than "Dino Soh" (so Italian but simple lar).

I received a call from Mee Sen today, invited me to her wedding dinner, are you guys going, i mean attending? Please let me know, cause I don't want to attend the dinner alone. So I told her a white liar, that i might be going to Singapore for holiday before I find it out from you all.

One more shocking update, Jean told me that Rosaini are getting a sponsor business partner to form a business which is also similar to TS's business, and the idiot can't keep his secret and sharing it with TS, according to Jean, TS start to take precaution step toward him.

Prima nowaday is so damn generous to give the sales team (Jean, Rosli and etc) a Blackberry phone, and Jean found out that the company did something on the sim card where it can detect the phone holder location. It make Jean and Rosli so furious but helpless. My point of view, I felt naked. Anyway, if today I'm still working in Prima, chances for me getting a company's blackberry is....nil, zero percent!

This week I'm a free bird, next week I will back to hell, hell with full of work load, sigh!!!!!!!!!! Poor Jess T.T

I'm sooo in Christmas mood, New Year mood and Chinese New Year mood, I want Looooooooooongg Hoooollliiiddaayyyyy. Ok, I stop here for now.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Liang Moi chai!!!!! Ava

Right Timing


I think you went back to Sdk just on the right timing-lah ..... with all the yummy food, waiting for you to taste, one by one for 3 whole weeks, not forgetting all your mum's homecooked meals for her "future" grandson!!! Ha ha ha ha, lucky Nana!! Eat all you want!!!

So, hv u met up with Allan & others yet and shared your good news??

Naming your baby .... mmmm takes a lot of time, thinking & more thinking!! Never never find a name that other ppl can make fun of ..... like Peter is a big No No ... imagine Peter Soh (sounds like "pei dan so"!!!!) Chinese name, of coz, leave it to the daddy-lor, let him crack his head ... kekekekkee!! Started browsing the internet for baby names already? I can't say i like the top baby boy name though .... i do like names like Lucas, Kelvin (TKW's Kai Wen is actually stands for Kelvin) kenneth etc! You hv got a lot of time to think of a suitable name for yr boy boy, no worries!!

Looking forward to our next gathering too in 2011, perhaps we can include YCC this time, wat say u, Nana??


Monday, December 6, 2010

the mentor is SK, seasoned & experienced!

Hahaha.... Jess, I m not at mentor stage yet... yet to go thru hands on training for next few yrs!

Baby names...mmmm...trying to look for less commonly used ones....yet to decide....chinese name headache lor...not my league... leaving this task to Mr Soh :P

Now in SDK, had seafood BKT dy on 1st night :) Had d springy noodle wif ngau lam yday mrng :) Waiting to dig into zhar nyuk soon hahaha.... all d yummy food waiting for me...

The best is stil my mum's homecooked soups la :D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Baby Name - Found this article from Yahoo

Sophia and Aiden lead BabyCenter's Top 100 Baby Names of 2010

by BabyCenter, on Thu Dec 2, 2010 11:41am PST

Please step down, Isabella. Sophia is taking your place as the most popular girl's name of 2010.

Congratulations, Aiden. You've held onto the number-one boy's spot for the sixth year in a row.

Welcome to the pack, Liam and Abigail. You're now officially a part of the coveted top 10.

BabyCenter released its list of the Top 100 Baby Names of 2010 today. The online parenting and pregnancy destination compiled some 350,000 baby names and combined those that sound the same but have different spellings (such as Sophia and Sofia) to create a true measure of popularity.

Top 10 Girls’ Names of 2010
See the top 100 girls’ names of 2010.

Top 10 Boys’ Names of 2010
See the top 100 boys’ names of 2010.

What's influencing baby-naming parents? Parents turned to pop culture, politics, a bygone era, and the ever-popular Old Testament for inspiration. Here's a look at the Hottest Baby Name Trends of 2010:
Glee's cheerleader queen Quinn may be mean, but her name is certainly popular, jumping up in the ratings a whopping 60 percent. Finn, Jenna, and Lea are also singing a happy tune.
The critically acclaimed drama Mad Men has struck a nerve with the American public. Dishy Don (as in Draper) inched up the charts, and his ex-wife is bringing the cool back to Betty. The silver-haired fox Roger rose 21 percent, while his wife, Jane, also gained popularity.
The names of the moms on MTV's reality show 16 and Pregnant are also popular: Maci, Farrah, and Katelynn are up by 60, 51, and 7 percent, respectively.
Sarah Palin's daughters' names – Bristol, Willow, and Piper – are climbing the ladder, but the name Sarah is actually in decline.
The golden age of film (think 1930 to 1959) played a starring role in this year's list. Audrey, Ava, Scarlett, Evelyn, Vivien, and Greta all got rave reviews.
Parents are reaching back for names…way, way back to the Old Testament. Jacob has made the BabyCenter top ten for the past ten years, while Levi, Caleb, Elijah, and Jeremiah are rising in the charts. For more about the hottest trends see BabyCenter’s Baby Names Special Report of 2010.

What about names below the top ten? Some are flying up the list, while others are spiraling downward.
Newcomers who broke into the top 100 include Annabelle (69), Stella (72), Nora (83), Jeremiah (90), Hudson (96), and Ryder (97).
Ellie, who leapfrogged 26 spots to come in at number 61, is a rising star.
So is Charlotte, who was bumped up 20 to number 38.
And then there's Grayson, who enjoyed a 25-spot jump to land at number 66.
Some names lost a lot of ground. Brooke shot down 23 spots to number 82, while Hayden tumbled 20 spots to number 91.
Ashley and Brendan exited the top 100 entirely.

What's up for next year? BabyCenter uses a top-secret algorithm to unearth the names that are likely to become even more popular in 2011.
Of the top 100 girls' names from 2010, it looks like Layla, Lila, Evelyn, Charlotte, Lucy, Ellie, Aaliyah, Bella, Claire, and Aubrey will continue to rise in 2011.
Of the top 100 boys' names from 2010, BabyCenter predicts that Eli, Colton, Grayson, Wyatt, Henry, Mason, Landon, Charlie, Max, and Chase will gain momentum in 2011.

And what about names that haven't even broken into the top 100? Who will be next year's newcomers?
Among the less popular names now moving up the girls' list are Isla, Adalyn, Giuliana, Olive, Kinsley, Evangeline, Paisley, Vivienne, Maci, and Kinley.
And although Bentley, Kellan, Kingston, Aarav, Ryker, Beckett, Colt, Paxton, Jax, and Lincoln are well below the top 100 on the boys' list, they're all fast climbers.

Find out more about the top baby names of the year, the hottest trends, which names are up and which are down, and more, in BabyCenter’s Baby Names Special Report of 2010.

Hohohoho! I love Christmas too.

Hey, I have to admit that I just wake up and get ready to meet you all, but I'm totally and 100% awake, OK! It just that I was totally surprise and nice to know about your expecting motherhood. Go go Lina! After this boy, more to come ya...haha!

Add oil, now minyak naik harga 15sen, mahal lah, kena jimat..haha! Let the nature take the course, what comes around goes around. But of course I wish to get marry and experience the process but also need to find the right person 1st. Don't worry, I will ハードワーク! Now that Nana is experiencing the process, which mean I got 2 mentors on such matter in the future.

It was totally relaxing and enjoyable hanging out with you gals after so many months of stress and tension in work. Hoping next time, we can do that more frequent in the future since Nana is back for good (for the time being). Definitely we shall meet again in 2011. To celebrate a brand new year, new resolutions, new wishes & new experiences!

Keep in touch!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way!

So happened sometimes during our conversations on MSN (me & SK), we brought up pregnancy ques, so I oso took chance to ask SK la...haha... I stil rmbr during Prima time, I did asked SK ques on pregnancy b4, but I forgot again & again...

Yes buddies, meanwhile we keep in touch online k.... I will b accessible to internet still while in SDK


I Love Christmas!!!!!!

Neighborhood ....... Robinhood ....... Motherhood !!!


I was very "happily surprised" to know that u r experiencing motherhood soon!! Actually gotten a bit suspicious too when v chatted some time ago and even told my hubby : for all i know, Lina already pregnant-lah!! Well, it turned out to be TRUE!!! How i wish i can guess the Toto 6/52 that accurately then i can really RETIRE for good!! Ha ha ha ha

Jess, "add oil" so that in the future Lina & I can also share with you our "motherhood" experiences!!!

Well, definitely we shall meet again in 2011!! To celebrate a brand new year, new resolutions, new wishes & new experiences!!!

Till then, lets keep in touch via the internet ..... through FB, MSN, Blog etc!!