Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our new Blog Face.... kekeke

Oh sure come Bali Come :) No la, I dont really go Bali every year la. This round becoz I caught the right timing to join the retreat u see. Can ah, we can go Bali next round. I heard ChiangMai oso cheap & siok...esp shopping. Mayb we can consider chiangmai, I nvr been there yet.

Here of coz super duper hot lor...42deg in d day, nite oso 30deg. PG loves me no matter whr I am haahahahahaha.....not necessary need to b by his side only he cares hahahaha... so I travel he stays back to work & earn for our living for time being...

Our plans & future kinda vague la....he is supposed to finis contract by end of this year, but not sure after that, whether kena extend or stay back for next project if any or back to KL or to Dubai... God knows...gosh.... who knows I need to get my ass back to work next yr! Uh hooooo.....sabbatical leave mayb over loooo..... Jess, r u hiring? hahahahaha

Sansan shall b off to US in Aug....

Good la, u two shud go makan/shopping once awhile. It's really nothing to do here in ABD...geez....somemore not driving even worse...

When is puasa oh?

I was telling SK d other day, dont intend to cont jewel design class... so long they (management & teachers) dont fix their probs & get systematic, forget bout it. Me not gonna waste my money & time.... however, I will subbing for some yoga classes end of July. I was asked to take up a private yoga class one to one male student. I m totally not feeling comfortable with this bcoz I m ady married...hahaha... tat's the huge difference in life, watever I do I gotta think bout my lou koong chai hahahaha!

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