Friday, July 9, 2010

I like Our New Blog Look!!!

Yo Yo Yo

Greeting gals!! Hey, wat's this abt me being botak?? Luckily Jess supported me by being botak & naked!! muahahahahhaha!!!!

Lina, My grandma's been "gone" for 19 years and i still missed her like "CRAZY"!! We (all my bro & sis) were very closed with her, I even slept with her for ~ 5 - 6 years and just imagine, i was the only person that saw her grasping her last breath on 1 June 1991. In the 1st few years, i still cried on her "death anniversary" whenever i recalled the night when she passed away. Like Jess said, she may no longer be here, but she will always be in out hearts!!

Just now long lunch (Friday 1 1/2 hrs) went to Alpha Angle & bought myself a swimsuit (even though i dun know how to swim!!) for tmr's Penang trip. Most probably won take any photos & showed u gals as I look very FAT in that swimsuit!! :( Haih ..... gained quite a bit of weight-lah, have started doing "angkat kaki" every night recently .......

Jess, definitely we should go out for makan-makan & jalan-jalan sometime during the weekend 31/7/2010 or 1/8/2010 as all other weekends like 17/7, 18/7 & 24/7 i have to "work" as need to attend College Convocation-lah!! while 25/7/2010 i've got my 1st ever gathering with my PRIMARY SCHOOLMATES, 30th Anniversary Gathering, that's wat v r calling it!!!! Ha ha ha I hope all of us still can recognise each other on that day!!!! Mmmm, i wonder if they invited my std 6 form teacher along???? He must be real OLD dy since his students also in their 40s!!

Will keep u gals updated after the gathering!! Perhaps can show u gals some photos of my classmates!! :-)

OK, that's all for now!


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