Sunday, July 11, 2010

"30th Anniversary Gathering" = "Who look more haggard/old" Gathering.... LOL

Groom urself up SK on ur 30th Gathering, don loose out!!! hehehehehe

Jess, bout the sap ng suk faan shue tong shui... I nvr explain much bcoz scare somehow somewhr words reach the faan shue cook, not good la... he is a our housemate & some sort of Director of Finance oh! Hahaha don play play... He is a sporean in late 40s...from the way we look at it, he's one of those mama's boy type, dunno how to cook etc... tat's how he cooked tis sap ng suk faan shue tong shui & really shocked me & PG few days ago bcoz he told us to have some, LUCKY! LUCKY! we juz finis our bfast & getting ready to leave for Dubai kai kai, we said we too full to hv it then & later mayb.... This is the recipe! Peel peel peel one big sweet faan shue, chop chop chop in chunks, boil water in a small pot enuff to cook maggi mee, throw faan shue chunks in, dried longans (1st time see faan shue tong shui put longans!), continue to boil for 10mins. Gaotim! Hahahaha.... he said ready to drink dy!!! Shocked & our eyes nearly pop-out ! I nvr attempt to try it, but nite time when we got back fr Dubai, I told PG, die die muz give the faan shue director face & show respect to his effortless faan shue tong shui! & PG needed some supper then, so he tried & I asked me how how how??? He said like eating faan shue & longan & drinking water all at one go lor... XP Luckily the faan shue was imported expensive sweet good quality one, at least this compromised the overall tong shui!

Mayb sporean drink their faan shue tong shui like tat kah?!!!

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