Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd slimmest? I hope so too

Yo, I think you've got some facts wrong-lah, I am definitely not 2nd slimmest, there were only 4 gals that day, and i'd grade myself 3rd out of 4 of us....... not too bad either!!!

It was fun to have met up with classmates, some of which have not been seeing each other for more than 20 years!!! In fact, we are planning another gathering, hopefully this time will be be a much bigger gathering in terms of participants .....They took some photos on that day .... hopefully they'll email to me & i will share wif u gals if i look good in the photos ..... haih .... i really rarely look nice in any photos-lah Simply NOT photogenic, HOW????

Today is TS' big day-oh ..... well, hv sent him a simple b'day wish ~ 11am (dare not send too early, dunno whether he's awaken or not ... hahahaha) We,, yesterday was Nadiah's b'day, i sent her a b'day wish too!! She was rather surprised that i'd still remember her b'day!

Jess, you can add another "fan" to your profile ..... dunno wat i am talking abt? Well, will keep u updated when v go gai gai!! Ha haha!!

Taaaa Daaaaa... SK came.....!!!

2nd in looking the best & slimmest among her old classmates during her ex-primary school gathering!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So Sweet, I got flowers fr u!

I didnt get diamond oh.. I dunno how to appreciate them hahaha... I got to pick my bday present & I picked a yoga mat this yr! Hahahah...useful mah :D Money, all his money is my money, written in our marriage contract dy! kekekeke

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!!!

19 July, marks the 32nd Birthday of our dear Lina!!!!!

Hope that you'd like the tulips & sakura flowers that I've attached for you!

Shy got diamond pendant for her B'day, what did you get from PG?? Cash better, if you ask me. Muahahahahaha very "yin sat"!!!
Hope that you have a great day today and every other day, too!!!
SK Liew

Monday, July 12, 2010

And God I am totally IN LOVE with SDK chilly!!!!

And I cant stop, every diner chilly to go with XD

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"30th Anniversary Gathering" = "Who look more haggard/old" Gathering.... LOL

Groom urself up SK on ur 30th Gathering, don loose out!!! hehehehehe

Jess, bout the sap ng suk faan shue tong shui... I nvr explain much bcoz scare somehow somewhr words reach the faan shue cook, not good la... he is a our housemate & some sort of Director of Finance oh! Hahaha don play play... He is a sporean in late 40s...from the way we look at it, he's one of those mama's boy type, dunno how to cook etc... tat's how he cooked tis sap ng suk faan shue tong shui & really shocked me & PG few days ago bcoz he told us to have some, LUCKY! LUCKY! we juz finis our bfast & getting ready to leave for Dubai kai kai, we said we too full to hv it then & later mayb.... This is the recipe! Peel peel peel one big sweet faan shue, chop chop chop in chunks, boil water in a small pot enuff to cook maggi mee, throw faan shue chunks in, dried longans (1st time see faan shue tong shui put longans!), continue to boil for 10mins. Gaotim! Hahahaha.... he said ready to drink dy!!! Shocked & our eyes nearly pop-out ! I nvr attempt to try it, but nite time when we got back fr Dubai, I told PG, die die muz give the faan shue director face & show respect to his effortless faan shue tong shui! & PG needed some supper then, so he tried & I asked me how how how??? He said like eating faan shue & longan & drinking water all at one go lor... XP Luckily the faan shue was imported expensive sweet good quality one, at least this compromised the overall tong shui!

Mayb sporean drink their faan shue tong shui like tat kah?!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I like Our New Blog Look!!!

Yo Yo Yo

Greeting gals!! Hey, wat's this abt me being botak?? Luckily Jess supported me by being botak & naked!! muahahahahhaha!!!!

Lina, My grandma's been "gone" for 19 years and i still missed her like "CRAZY"!! We (all my bro & sis) were very closed with her, I even slept with her for ~ 5 - 6 years and just imagine, i was the only person that saw her grasping her last breath on 1 June 1991. In the 1st few years, i still cried on her "death anniversary" whenever i recalled the night when she passed away. Like Jess said, she may no longer be here, but she will always be in out hearts!!

Just now long lunch (Friday 1 1/2 hrs) went to Alpha Angle & bought myself a swimsuit (even though i dun know how to swim!!) for tmr's Penang trip. Most probably won take any photos & showed u gals as I look very FAT in that swimsuit!! :( Haih ..... gained quite a bit of weight-lah, have started doing "angkat kaki" every night recently .......

Jess, definitely we should go out for makan-makan & jalan-jalan sometime during the weekend 31/7/2010 or 1/8/2010 as all other weekends like 17/7, 18/7 & 24/7 i have to "work" as need to attend College Convocation-lah!! while 25/7/2010 i've got my 1st ever gathering with my PRIMARY SCHOOLMATES, 30th Anniversary Gathering, that's wat v r calling it!!!! Ha ha ha I hope all of us still can recognise each other on that day!!!! Mmmm, i wonder if they invited my std 6 form teacher along???? He must be real OLD dy since his students also in their 40s!!

Will keep u gals updated after the gathering!! Perhaps can show u gals some photos of my classmates!! :-)

OK, that's all for now!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

48degs!!! Crazy...=.=!!

You better don't apply sun block when you are out, apply BBQ sauce it make you look yummy....Don't just said SK will botak her hair, I will do the same thing plus naked 24/7...haha...

So look like you have to stay at home most of the time and stay online lol....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Yday was 46deg at noon....last thurs was 48!

I miss driving anytime anywhr back in KL hahaha.... so hot here tat I don bother to step out of the house.... I think SK will cut her hair botak if she had stayed here HAHAHA.... Msia short hair, here botak head.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our new Blog Face.... kekeke

Oh sure come Bali Come :) No la, I dont really go Bali every year la. This round becoz I caught the right timing to join the retreat u see. Can ah, we can go Bali next round. I heard ChiangMai oso cheap & siok...esp shopping. Mayb we can consider chiangmai, I nvr been there yet.

Here of coz super duper hot lor...42deg in d day, nite oso 30deg. PG loves me no matter whr I am haahahahahaha.....not necessary need to b by his side only he cares hahahaha... so I travel he stays back to work & earn for our living for time being...

Our plans & future kinda vague la....he is supposed to finis contract by end of this year, but not sure after that, whether kena extend or stay back for next project if any or back to KL or to Dubai... God knows...gosh.... who knows I need to get my ass back to work next yr! Uh hooooo.....sabbatical leave mayb over loooo..... Jess, r u hiring? hahahahaha

Sansan shall b off to US in Aug....

Good la, u two shud go makan/shopping once awhile. It's really nothing to do here in ABD...geez....somemore not driving even worse...

When is puasa oh?

I was telling SK d other day, dont intend to cont jewel design class... so long they (management & teachers) dont fix their probs & get systematic, forget bout it. Me not gonna waste my money & time.... however, I will subbing for some yoga classes end of July. I was asked to take up a private yoga class one to one male student. I m totally not feeling comfortable with this bcoz I m ady married...hahaha... tat's the huge difference in life, watever I do I gotta think bout my lou koong chai hahahaha!