Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thank you, buddies!

Thank you for celebrating my belated birthday today and the present is so lovely. I'm loving them. Once again, thank you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Salute Nana, Bravo Nana, Genius Nana...etc. It was so beautiful. I'm just loving it. Keep up Nana, people always said interest can turn into profession and good income. I guess you are in the right time when I get marry (if lar), design me wedding ring ah for free...hehe

Sorry being hardly update our blog, lately busy setting up a manufacturing site for my cousin sister. Kind of busy seeking for new knowledge and viewing machine in my new job role. Traveling from one office to another office to view machine and meeting up skillful people to gain knowledge, really tired. Every time, when I get home, I will end up taking nap at sofa before bath. I'm so evil both of you.

So excited about your come back, Nana. Of course, I want to go together with you visit Prima. I also don't want to go alone , at least got both of you company, I don't feel wired and "kaku" lor.

Ok, you gals just set the gathering date, time and place. Let me know, I will be there. As long as not weekday, cause I need to work leh!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Thanks for...erm ...complimenting...paiseh paiseh

Sometimes I wonder, my potential to be an artist hidden for over 30 yrs!!! Gosh...hahaha...well, whether I can draw or not, I am truly happy when someone appreciate my stuff hahaha.... I shall b posting my final piece colored soon as I need to submit next week...gosh...

SK, our 1st meal or yumcha or outing or watsoever.... just 3 of us 1st....the next outing following only ask along ms yeap....
Wud u guys accompany me to Prima????? I don wish to go alone la


Nana .... i am truly impressed!!! I really din know that u can actually draw well ... (pai sei pai sei!!)

Some of those sketches are sooooooo beautiful!!!! I am so proud of you, my dear!!!

ya-wor ... our blog been "dry" for a few weeks dy ... lazy-gua perhaps :-)

Jess ..... Nana will be back ~ a week's time, we shall go gai gai & mum mum ok??


Monday, March 15, 2010

Some of the stuff I hv done in class

My version of sakura sketching :P

Tulip sketching
At the very beginning of my course....we started off pretty of my creations

Rings sketching exercise....when u see some exceptionally pretty ones, those were sketched by my teacher :D

Another pieces based on the leaves I lightly sketched at the top

design theme...erm...Jellyfish..yes, doesnt look like there's jelly fish features in the pieces...over-stylised my jellyfish kekee

Exercise to learn to imagine & see & draw rings or watever piece of jewelry fr top view, side view...not easy... I stil need A LOT of prac..but this was a good start at least
Some sketch to prac shading when there was a light source fr right or left & son on

Tracing & stone coloring...tracing faster than drawing freehand...the main purpose of the exercise was to color the stone.... using water color... I need to stil prac A LOT to achieve my teacher's requiremt ..'Transparent" effect...

Gosh :P It's been a mth since the last post at our blog

This is desert rose...these really can b found in the desert wor & I have seen the real one my teacher brought to class

My Desert Rose sketch...from a pic I printed out fr internet & the left top corner was sketch fr a real desert rose my teacher brought to classOverview of my sketch...closer look in below pics

sketching & stylising my desert rose...before adding details to reach the design in below pic
My initial design....which I didnt use becoz somehow my heart not settled with these 2
Original size pendant...the design I hv picked to submit
Yet to color it...size double the original size pendant

Hi Ladies :) I hv been bz going for classes & wat constantly progressively keeping me bz is I m trying to finish my design submission for a jewelry design competition (for students not pro). Here r some of the pics of my progressive work so far....I m yet to color the piece...mayb tmr will do a test-coloring b4 coloring my real piece...