Friday, October 2, 2009

Our visit to a Hunting Exhibition in Abu Dhabi

They made the polar bear until so detailed! U see his coocoobird :)

Now u see how huge was d polar bear.. wif coocoobird

Cheong geng luk :)

Nothing else better to do than digging d nose of my fren :)

Real adorable Husky dogs! Alwiz saw in movies...

Calm down.....U mayb scratching ur head since when we like to hunt..... Neither me nor Mr Soh into hunting ok... we are so saintlike :P Haha ... PG got an invitation card fr his colleague for us to enter for free.... no free no go :P Haha.... so some pics to share here :) Our 1st time to a hunting exhibition...kinda of interesting I wud say :)

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