Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy, busy, busy for nothing

Hahaha, the new hair do make me look like a lion king. That why I always straighten my hair. I think 3 of us are not suit to this hair style.

I was at Bangkok last weekend to attend an exhibition. I should said the traffic at Bangkok can causing people heart sick. Sitting in side the taxi, felt in slept and wake up, slept again and wake up again still sitting in side the taxi. We was stuck inside the taxi for 3 hours.

Back to my work station, busy like tomorrow never come, giving out so many quotation but nothing is come back with confirmation, that is fine, but the worse is this bunch of my cuties and dumb client took my sample and asked other supplier to supply them and press those supplier quotation within they budget. This is soooo unfair and where is the corporate ethic, six feet under the ground? Started to hate this job, not I should said this game or business system.

I agreed with Nana, when she back from ABD, she might not have time for cooking, may be when she move back to M'sia we shall have a pot luck gathering. Agreed all?

I guess I should start pick up the wok and cook, refresh or polish my cooking skill...hope the stuff I cook can eat.

Jersey Gal

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