Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Wonderful Night

Once again, congratulation to Lina and PG, both of you made a great couple.

Me and SK having a great time during your wedding dinner.

Classy restaurant, simple yet comfortable decoration, exclusive lake view, excellent cocktail, nice food, good wine, best chatter and love of life - desserts which is my favorite vanila ice-cream and cupcake serve with plain hot coffee. I'm in LOVE.

The Spanish cocktail - Sangria was excellent, I had few cups and my mood was high like the sky, but not drunk. And this morning, my whole body is itchy due to the effect of alcohol and need to see MR.DOC for medication. All I can say, it worth. The cocktail was truly excellent.

I'm sure the rest also enjoyed the night as much as I did. Great job Lina.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yes! Best companionship!

Nana's mum is in town dy... prawns, fish flown all the way fr SDK! Kekekeke

There will b a photographer taking pics tat nite.... SK, no need to go set up hair or anything la.... Just neatly tie etc will b fine dy

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well, although a belated b'day meal ..... but gals (oh and PG too) you have made my day!!!!! What more can i ever ask for?? Good Food, Lovely gifts, not to mention fantastic companionship???!!!

thank you !! thank you!! Now is to get ready for Nana's big day ...... still considering whether i should do something to my hair ...... wat say u ..... gals???


Sunday, October 18, 2009


SK, Jess & Nana + PG reunited at Zanmai Midvalley Gardens today! & celebrated SK's 41st bday! Everyone had a great time! Jess managed to get ROUND bday cakes for SK!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Whose brain??

Rosaini's ??? GL's ???? :P

SK, u r BUCC !!!

I found d meaning of BUCC.... a figure of speech... in short it means sumting like 'Cool' hahaha... in depth, d definition for it is 'when internal artistry meets physical expression'... as defined by Lil C.... one of my favorite dance choreographers...


Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy 41st Birthday our dear SK!!!

One of ur wishes has come true.. bcoz u r retired now! Heeeheehee

We love u our dear fren!

Many many happy blessings to you!!!

I m coming home! I miss u gals!!!

Most time alwiz fly alone... am so glad tat tis time flying together wif PG for such long hours...

Shall meet up soon ya!!!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Busy, busy, busy for nothing

Hahaha, the new hair do make me look like a lion king. That why I always straighten my hair. I think 3 of us are not suit to this hair style.

I was at Bangkok last weekend to attend an exhibition. I should said the traffic at Bangkok can causing people heart sick. Sitting in side the taxi, felt in slept and wake up, slept again and wake up again still sitting in side the taxi. We was stuck inside the taxi for 3 hours.

Back to my work station, busy like tomorrow never come, giving out so many quotation but nothing is come back with confirmation, that is fine, but the worse is this bunch of my cuties and dumb client took my sample and asked other supplier to supply them and press those supplier quotation within they budget. This is soooo unfair and where is the corporate ethic, six feet under the ground? Started to hate this job, not I should said this game or business system.

I agreed with Nana, when she back from ABD, she might not have time for cooking, may be when she move back to M'sia we shall have a pot luck gathering. Agreed all?

I guess I should start pick up the wok and cook, refresh or polish my cooking skill...hope the stuff I cook can eat.

Jersey Gal

Curly hair wannabe(s)... :D

PG helped me to do tis...

My 1st glance at my own - Oh no! I CAN'T take it man! Shocked! Hahaha... after a few mins....slowly can accept it :P wat u think :P hahahaha

Jess, I think suits u wor :D

SK, u like ur 'new' hairdo? haha

However, after finishing this... I SINCERELY asked PG whether he can accept my dream hairdo..hahaha... he TRUTHFULLY shook his head left right many times SPEECHLESSLY... ok, this will only b my dream then... hahaha...

Friday indulgence ....

We had our hearty Friday bfast at this Le Pain Quotidien... hot open sandwiches ... yummy oh

Our visit to a Hunting Exhibition in Abu Dhabi

They made the polar bear until so detailed! U see his coocoobird :)

Now u see how huge was d polar bear.. wif coocoobird

Cheong geng luk :)

Nothing else better to do than digging d nose of my fren :)

Real adorable Husky dogs! Alwiz saw in movies...

Calm down.....U mayb scratching ur head since when we like to hunt..... Neither me nor Mr Soh into hunting ok... we are so saintlike :P Haha ... PG got an invitation card fr his colleague for us to enter for free.... no free no go :P Haha.... so some pics to share here :) Our 1st time to a hunting exhibition...kinda of interesting I wud say :)