Sunday, April 3, 2011



Wow, i can't closed my mouth-lah when i read what had happened to Mars!! In such a short time, she can lose that much of monies!!!!! RM25k, it takes her decades to keep that kind of $$$$!! Well, now that she's decided NOT to retire just yet (But then as we all know Prima ppl esp PC,TS and just found out Azad & Rosaini too can't wait to get rid of her!!!!), it'll be a nuclear bomb when she finally finds out that she's no longer needed in Prima just b'coz she's OLD (even that was after spending almost 3 decades in Prima!) and have reached retirement age!! Sad, indeed!

Jess, u mentioned she had nothing but the brand new car that she bought ...... Are u sure she 100% owned the car or still under HP? If still under HP, she's not the owner until she's finished paying all her instalments-lah!!! 2x sad, sad, sad!! One thing I'm not very sure here, i thot she met up with this con-casanova in Australia recently? So, during Australia time, is he an ang mo or ah-neh-neh????????????? A bit confused there!! I guess why Azad & Rosaini din like her b'coz she always NAGS them!! Haih ....... i dare not imagine what will b her reaction when she found out that she's no longer needed and wanted in Prima ......... God bless Mars!!

Jess, how come yr dining date with Jean also involved Jean's hubby & Jean's relatives not to mention Ah-soh Cheng (I thot Cheng & Jean not too friend with each other geh?) Hmmm, now Jess has upgraded to becoming Jean's Family friend??? Ha ha ha!

Yvan and any 1st child for that matter (the same goes to my eldest sister), will be the lucky one with thousands of photos taken before reaching one yr old!! I still rmb when i was a baby (well at least b4 2 yrs old i call them babies) i only had ONE miserable photo, crying, somemore taken by my cousin brother, someone whom i will always feel thankful to as otherwise i wouldn't even know how i looked like as a baby!!!!!!!! Whwn i asked my mom why i din hv any photos, my mom said by the time i was borned, my dad's camera also spoilt liao-wor!!!! Soooo unfair!! That's Y i told myself not to do the same to my children!!! I still remember my eldest sis got one particular photo was re-produced to more than 10 copies, ALL THE SAME PHOTO!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UNFAIR!!!!

ok enuf abt baby photos (hoped that i din frightened any of u, ha ha ha!) So, when is your officially Freedom day?? How are we going to deliver your portable changing pad to you? I'm sure by being a full time "ngau la" & your routine Yoga sessions, u hv alreadu as slim as ever liao!! Surprisingly, always in the photos are Yvan & daddy ........ where's the mummy?? ok-lah, got to do some work since din get any MC for my dog bite!!


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