Monday, April 4, 2011

Some Update on Con-Tactics


I told Teh what happened to Mars. While he too pity her for what happened, he also couldn't believe how naive can she be!!! He was also wondering how come no one warned her etc. I told him quite a number of them warned her but she just wouldn't listen a& even scolded one by saying that he's jealeous that she's with an ang mo!!

Anyway, Teh said many cases had happened that con-man wouls actually paid some ah-neh-neh or ah-pek etc just to make use of their bank accounts for ppl that they conned to bank in the $$$-wor!! So, eventhough Mars reported to police & even police caught the ah-neh-neh, ah-neh-neh might just be one of those that was paid say RM200 by conman to use his accounts to receive $$$$ on behalf of conman only-wor!!

Mars wrote that she is very "fan" on FB abt work & others, as usual, Jess & I pretended we knew nothing & just consoled her based on whatever she wrote!! Yes, we are the Great Pretenders!!!!

Oh, i replied Shella y'day abt Hawkeye Kirby as Kirby wanted to add Shella in FB and asked her abt their Bonus (end March 2011) whether TS paid them anything extra or not as PC was chasing after them like MAD DOG during Dec 2010 for sale and even promised them incentive trip to Japan (which now not safe to go anymore). Shella said NOTHING EXTRA!!!!! and the gals are very frustrated now-wor!!

That's all for now! Back to work!


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