Friday, April 1, 2011

OMG!! I Can't Believe It

Just got the news from Jean, that Mas and the con-casanova broke off oledi. Mas told everyone in Prima that prayer made her realize that she can't carry on with this con-casanova, but the actual story was she been cheated by this con-casanova amounting RM25,000.00 cash. Some more she willingly bank in the payment to him.

How Jean get to know? Guess must be from Shella, cause the 1st payment asked by the con-casanova was amounting RM10,000.00 and Mas ATM card only able to withdrawn RM5,000.00 so she asked Shella loan her the balance of RM5,000.00. Beside that, she also asked the despatch boy to bank in the money into the con-casanova's account. Shella keep remind her about the danger (I guess Shella just gentle remind her but not so harsh cause Mas is sooo in love), but she just ignore it, after she bank in the 2nd payment and I believe Mas, Shella and the dispatch boy did a little bit background checking, find out the con-casanova is not an "Ang Mo Lang" but an "Ah Neh Neh" who stayed at Ampang. Whether they launch a police report or not, that I have no idea.

I was curious and wondering how this "Ah Neh Neh" sweet talk Mas in to banking money to him, according to Jean, apparently, he claimed that he need some cash to pay his subordinate's salary, so he asked Mas to loan him some cash, he will repay her, he even scan a cheque which is belong to Petronas and written payee name's under Mashita with an amount of USD1,000,000.00, he claimed now that they are couple so, all his money he want Mas to keep it. All he need now is a favor from Mas to loan him some money to pay subordinate's salary. So our beloved and naive sister, do exactly what he asked for.

Jean claimed Mas very crazy about this con-casanova, she look like those sweet 16's gal who just fell in love, bought a new laptop and brought it to office so that during her lunch hour, she can chit chat on net with her con-casanova, when she share her joy with one of the male staff by the name of Erwan (sitting in the same room with Jean and Rosli), the staff try to warn her about it and she accused that staff envil her relationship and anti-mat salleh. OMG! Can you believe that, she soooo blind by the love.

Now that everyone in the office seem to be know the true scenario on her case, she go and tell everyone that she broke off with the mat salleh cause she realize from her prayers and now she don't want to retire and wanted to continue stay on and remain at Prima. Everyone in the office find Mas like a joker and laugh out loud in heart. Azad was sad caused he is willing to release her and wanted so much Mas to leave the company on her wish and he also in the midst of selecting staff to promote replace Mas's position, now that Mas want to stay on, he "pening kepala" pula.

Thats all for now, will update more when I have lunch with Jean this coming weekend and get more information.


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