Monday, December 20, 2010


Yo gals,

2 more days to my Korea trip .... very kan cheong liao!! Ha ha ha

Reuter's case (btw Reuter = Rosaini, in case u gals hv forgotten) is still not firm up yet-lah!! Jess u hv said so yourself, if Reuter needs to come out with lots of $$$$, where and how is he going to do that?? Even though he's got 5 figure salary, he has got a lot of properties (or shall i say he's paying installments for a lot of properties, for the properties as long as have not finish the loan, belong to the bank) 5 kids & wife not working!! If he's got all the characteristics of a typical malay, where earns RM2, spend RM2.50 then he better "kwai kwai" keep his mouth shut & stay in Prima til the day day he retires!!! But then now due to his BIG BIG mouth, TS knows abt his intention liao .... makes the situation a bit complicated-lor .... dun tell me he will eventually ends up empty handed BOTH SIDE-lor!!!

GL ..... rich .... no doubt abt it!! TS said she'll be getting my pay once i left, already ~RM2k increment liao and now ~2 yrs hv past ..... so even higher pay-lor!!! Only one thing to worry abt, the nicer car & bigger house she owns, won't it b more difficult for her to look for a "lou kung"??? Anyway, it's VERY VERY HARD to find a man that can tahan her-lah!!! Ha ha ha!! Anyway, best of luck to her-lah!!

Jess, hv u wrote something wrong-ar? u mentioned that Reuter SAME ROOM with Jean???? one man & the other woman-ler???? if yes, then Jean quite OPEn-oh!! :P

as for Shy, haih, dunno how she is going to settle her debts. She told me after her 1st treatment already got 5 figure credit card debts ..... with the 2nd treatment, all the supplements, clothing etc .... ngai mou ngan con-oh!!!

Jess, i've already informed Mee Sen that i won b attending her wedding dinner by saying i won b in KL on that day. Nothing extra said!!!

later got lunch with Chairman of TAR College, Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting .... sien-lah!!!!

OK, that's all for now!


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