Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Mood

Lina, my new house is located at Sg. Long, I bought it around 300K, my house is not fall under KL, is in Selangor. KL house too expensive not effort to buy. SK, It look spacious in photo in actual fact is not, clean? I doubt, actually quite dusty, cooling is due to white colour effect, actually it quite stuffy and dusty. We still looking for tenant, is not that easy to find a tenant in that location, cause that area a bit far from KL or Selangor center, need to pass thru 2 tols, which need to pay RM1.00 and RM0.90 respectively, plus to and flow trip total up is RM3.80. This area are completely residential area, mostly the residents are own the house not renting. So, my luck to get a tenant are lay on the property agent's hand. This house was bought by my sister but asking me to join in cause with her alone paying installment, she can't effort. My advice to purchase some houses near KL, PJ or Damansara, a bit expensive, but the value and return are high when you sell, even if you want to get a tenant also easy to find.

Last week I was a bit free, so when Jean called me, I can spend time and chit chat with her otherwise I will just say hi and bye, no gossip supply for your gals.

I guess Shy must be damn $$$, 2 times treatment, after treatment, she need to intake a lots of supplements, buying stuff for new born etc. Both of you can do the maths. Where on earth she got that much of $$$. I wonder??

If pharmacist get the smartphone/blackberry phone each of every one, that shown Prima really damn rich. Even if Adeline get caught, so what! they can't do anything beside monitor under the table. The management won't do drastic punishment on them exp like Bob, it took them so long to fired him, I don't see any drama in the near future, if they get the phone lar.

Sorry, Ching Yee is my another fren who has similar character as Hui Yee, I mess up these 2 persons name. I guess don't name your kids with "Yee" cause all my fren with the name of "Yee" has peculiar attitude. Actually, I meant Hui Yee aka GuLeong. Buy new house after change new car, she is damn rich man, i wonder what is her pay now.

Jean said Wai Cheong seem to keep her new house very secretly. She didn't tell where is the place. Getting loan from TS as if like getting long life working contract from TS, one fine day when she resign how she going to pay back? 1st all of can she resign? Unless TS are so generous and said not need to pay back....haha. Can it be happen?

How Jean know about Rosaini and Azap stuff? Good question, I also asked her the same question where on earth she get to know all this stuff, she said Rosli told her cause Rosli travel to outstation or local hospital with Azad and Rosaini, and Rosaini are same room with Jean, Rosli and the other new guy, sometime, Rosaini can't keep to himself and share out with them, sometime, Jean overheard his conversation from his room stuff like attending meeting after work, cause he speak so loud. Rosaini even asked Jean's opinion, did he or did not have 1% percent of TS capability.

Rosaini has this kind of intention i guess is quite normal lor. If he found the opportunity come along, why not crab it. How long he want to work like this with TS, he might think that he put so much effort for TS, in the end what he get is a 5 figure salary, a company car, a luxury hamper, a high resignation what else he get. While TS's brood spend company money like water flow without wink or blink they eyes. Jean said Rosaini keep telling others that he want earn more money to send his kids to oversea for higher education. He got 5 children, if he want to send all 5 children to oversea, with his 5 figure salary, a bit susah lol. Sigh! However, we shall wait and see how this drama goes along, cause according to Jean, the project Rosaini joining required a big sum of capital, his partner got no issue on it but Jean don't think Rosaini has that sum of capital lor, by right he should invite TS to join in as well, and Rosaini should demand for profit sharing to make every party win-win situation and happy ending.

SK, i can felt your excitement about the Korea trip. Take more photos for me to view, cause so far only me haven't been to Korea, Lina went during Prima Company Sales Trip. And take extra care of yourself during the trip, then only you can take care the kiddy.

Lina, don't worry, sharing with your partner is fine, cause his is part of you mah, even if you share with your fren also can, but don't address they name or company lar just in case they are related in this small small world.

Stop now, till then...


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