Friday, December 10, 2010

Busy Storm is Coming Thru!

Liang Moi Chai - Ava!Hmmmm, I think ridiculous cute - Ava are more suitable. Hahaha! She is so adorable and cute.

Yeah, I have to agreed with SK that you back to hometown are right in time for all the best food and of course 5 stars first class Mum's homecooked soup. Eat all you want, diet after your confinement, haha!

Right, leave the chinese name to PG and you take care of the english name (of course your sisterhood will help=kacau kacau u). Pity PG, lone ranger crack his head to figure out, while you easy easy have me and SK tiga kepala to think, I'm very confident we will come out a better name than "Dino Soh" (so Italian but simple lar).

I received a call from Mee Sen today, invited me to her wedding dinner, are you guys going, i mean attending? Please let me know, cause I don't want to attend the dinner alone. So I told her a white liar, that i might be going to Singapore for holiday before I find it out from you all.

One more shocking update, Jean told me that Rosaini are getting a sponsor business partner to form a business which is also similar to TS's business, and the idiot can't keep his secret and sharing it with TS, according to Jean, TS start to take precaution step toward him.

Prima nowaday is so damn generous to give the sales team (Jean, Rosli and etc) a Blackberry phone, and Jean found out that the company did something on the sim card where it can detect the phone holder location. It make Jean and Rosli so furious but helpless. My point of view, I felt naked. Anyway, if today I'm still working in Prima, chances for me getting a company's blackberry is....nil, zero percent!

This week I'm a free bird, next week I will back to hell, hell with full of work load, sigh!!!!!!!!!! Poor Jess T.T

I'm sooo in Christmas mood, New Year mood and Chinese New Year mood, I want Looooooooooongg Hoooollliiiddaayyyyy. Ok, I stop here for now.


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