Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hi Hi Hi

Nana .... u r back to your usual slow & steady life ....... for me the last few days have been rather bz & hectic for me ...... bz packing and seraching for suitable winter clothing for the kids, bz seraching for a bigger luggage that can accommodate all the thick clothings, not forgetting bringing the kids to Book Fair as IT IS their school holidays now .......phew now that luggage, clothes etc all settled ................finally!!!!

Jess, sorry for the last minute cancellation of our "meeting" as my sis without prior annoucement brought back one big bag of shawls & sweaters. I quickly text u hoping that u hv not gone thru yr closet to search for shawls ..................Have you?? really "pai sei" abt the matter ............We shall go gai gai again after my trip, ok?

Today finally got time to log on the net & saw Nana's photos ...... simply awesome ...... so envy u-lah ..... i nvr look nice on photos ..... simply not photogenic ........... haih .........

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