Sunday, July 31, 2011


WC & Shella was playing wif Yvan, they succeeded making him laugh & smile..

When we walking twds PC's room, ady kena tahan at Azi's plc, u know la Azi's voice... plus d rest like pasar, Yvan cried out loud bcoz frightened suddenly so many ppl talking like pasar at one time .... then quikly carried him into PC's room to calm him a bit..luckily he has been ok then thru out haha... adapted to the pasar environmt quite fast :P

Yawor... I like the word dramatic u used to describe GuLeong haha... OMG I cant believe she dare to comment other ppl's fashion... & she dressed like a niteclub mummy! hahaha....nobody dare to comment her fashion sense b4, tat's y she is stil stuck at her sweet 16... ahamdullilah! Saw Mars too, she put bac on some weight... The receptionist, apa nama? She was so funny, she so geram Yvan, follow Yvan in out everywhr ard ofis! hahaha

SK is out of the jungle dy! Hahaha... a jungle vacation.... tat's how Jess described it!

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