Saturday, July 30, 2011

No wonder!!

No wonder Yvan smile widely when Wai Cheng carried him in the photo shown in FB....he must be smiling and saying: Yeah! yeah! I got 2k ang pau from TS just by shown my "Michelin" muscle...hahaha! or he must be felt syok being molest kao kao and laugh out loud....haha!!!

The way Gu Leong break the ice also so dramatic, oh please lar..her acting are so fake. I won't be surprise when you told me her fashion still stuck at sweet 16's, but one thing you might not know that, she even dare to comment other people like Cheng and Rachel fashion fail and the way she comment as if she the most "in" and having great fashion sense.

Cheng shared with me one incident about Gu Leong, where she walked in to Cheng's room and asked her to give a piece of good advice to Rachel's fashion sense. While she herself was wearing one piece dress which is very short and black colour pantyhose on TS b'day. Which Cheng claimed she look like a night club mummy. So, I advice Cheng, if next time Gu Leong walk in to her room and ask her to advice Rachel on her fashion sense again, reply Gu Leong: "Let it be what kind or type fashion sense she wearing, but at least she get to attracted someone and getting marry soon, so, no big deal with her fashion." I guess she will bust out....haha!!

Give my kiss and hug to my love little fella Yvan. Aunty Jess miss him like crazy.

I guess SK must be having vacation in jungle, therefore, she didn't respond to our blog or FB..hope she get a long with the monkey and the gorila there...peace....hahaha!!


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