Sunday, July 31, 2011


WC & Shella was playing wif Yvan, they succeeded making him laugh & smile..

When we walking twds PC's room, ady kena tahan at Azi's plc, u know la Azi's voice... plus d rest like pasar, Yvan cried out loud bcoz frightened suddenly so many ppl talking like pasar at one time .... then quikly carried him into PC's room to calm him a bit..luckily he has been ok then thru out haha... adapted to the pasar environmt quite fast :P

Yawor... I like the word dramatic u used to describe GuLeong haha... OMG I cant believe she dare to comment other ppl's fashion... & she dressed like a niteclub mummy! hahaha....nobody dare to comment her fashion sense b4, tat's y she is stil stuck at her sweet 16... ahamdullilah! Saw Mars too, she put bac on some weight... The receptionist, apa nama? She was so funny, she so geram Yvan, follow Yvan in out everywhr ard ofis! hahaha

SK is out of the jungle dy! Hahaha... a jungle vacation.... tat's how Jess described it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

No wonder!!

No wonder Yvan smile widely when Wai Cheng carried him in the photo shown in FB....he must be smiling and saying: Yeah! yeah! I got 2k ang pau from TS just by shown my "Michelin" muscle...hahaha! or he must be felt syok being molest kao kao and laugh out loud....haha!!!

The way Gu Leong break the ice also so dramatic, oh please lar..her acting are so fake. I won't be surprise when you told me her fashion still stuck at sweet 16's, but one thing you might not know that, she even dare to comment other people like Cheng and Rachel fashion fail and the way she comment as if she the most "in" and having great fashion sense.

Cheng shared with me one incident about Gu Leong, where she walked in to Cheng's room and asked her to give a piece of good advice to Rachel's fashion sense. While she herself was wearing one piece dress which is very short and black colour pantyhose on TS b'day. Which Cheng claimed she look like a night club mummy. So, I advice Cheng, if next time Gu Leong walk in to her room and ask her to advice Rachel on her fashion sense again, reply Gu Leong: "Let it be what kind or type fashion sense she wearing, but at least she get to attracted someone and getting marry soon, so, no big deal with her fashion." I guess she will bust out....haha!!

Give my kiss and hug to my love little fella Yvan. Aunty Jess miss him like crazy.

I guess SK must be having vacation in jungle, therefore, she didn't respond to our blog or FB..hope she get a long with the monkey and the gorila there...peace....hahaha!!


Apa nama.... 3rd Anni... alamak... I lost track bout tis dy hahaha

Anyway!!!! Apa nama..... Happy 3rd Anniversary to my BFFs! :D

SK, apa itu "apa nama..."

got la...he smiled wat in many of the pics...otherwise looked stone & blur....haha

Ok, today I went to Prima... Aiyo, tis time Yvan really kena molested kao kao I tell u!

Even tis Rosli said wan to carry him, so Waicheng passed to him, Yvan biin zhui! Haha I quikly carry him back, I guess bcoz Yvan oso found Rosli too smelly!!!! When I carried Yvan bac fr him, I oso can smell his cigarrette smell lingering awhile Yvan's body! Me & Gu Leong walked pass twice, but nvr bother to tegur her.... until 3rd time, she tried to break d ice by saying, 'aiya, yun loi hai lei ah, cant recognise u tiim' & then she started playing wif Yvan. Duh! & sad to say Gu Leong's fashion sense stil the same, she wore a pink theme today... I can guess liao fr her big loop pink earrings, pink hairband & shoes with tinge of pink, can't see her baju bcoz she was showcasing few of her baju kurung, kebaya etc... Today a tailor taking their measuremt buat baju using kain raya. We had a pleasant surprise, waicheng passed me an envelope fr TS.... omg, ngo ng hou yi sii... TS so dai fong, gave 2K angpow to Yvan...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy 3rd Year Anniversary!!

To my all dearest buddy, let raise our glass and wish our blog Happy 3rd Anniversary!!!

I so proud of ourselves, every time I read back those old blog and refresh our memory, it feel so good and nice. Chatting here and updating you guys on my recent activity are as good as we gather at outside.

I hope this blog will keep growing and stronger like our friendship for many years to come.

Love you guys.


I bet Yvan like solid food now more then drink milk...more fulfilling. Did any one of you notice that Yvan hardly smile in most of the serious and curious face! Ohh...I miss him so much..

Wei, what is the "Apa Name" all about?? Another baby upcoming from anyone of you??? Hahaha....please update!

Lina, atleast PC still invite you to join them and celebrate with TS. I guess, she never invite SK to join lor...but very smart of you to turn down her offer, otherwise poor little Yvan will be molest by all the aunties and Yvan will terrify with Prima oledi...haha!

That day, I sent sms to both of you to ask for TS mobile number, I received your reply 1st, so I straight away sent out to TS, then SK reply back with TS number and reminded my to quote my name at the end of msg, otherwise TS will claim that I'm "bak chong" since he hardly remember me...hahaha...hilarious!! p/s: I sent again with my name quoted at the back of the msg.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Too bad....

PC text on 27th mrng me asking me along to join them at shang for TS bday lunch.... too bad I hv tolak invita, inconvenient with Yvan stil a bit too young for me to handle him alone outside... & I hv not tried driving out alone with Yvan at the back carseat, I think he will merajuk like mad & imagine how stressful tat wud b for me :S focusing on d road & hearing him crying at the backseat.... Tis PC said many helpers, thk you man, I think they play more than helping.... in d end I know I m not going to enjoy at all & only to stress myself up...

Monday, July 25, 2011

chatted wif Rowena & Shella today

Tis Wed TS's usual shang lo... then tis Fri, Rosaini's farewell wor!

I m planning to drop by Prima tis Sat to pass some baby stuff to Shy c/o Rowena...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Really happening?!

Nothing gonna stay the same forever I m afraid....

Prima ady like wat...40yrs business... juz some day, new similar competitors will come up & take over their main share in d business.... I think this will happen when TS retires or gone to heaven one day.... solely depending on his sons...I don think business will b as good as TS time.... Rosaini not gonna stay forever in Prima too... 'dirty hands' rosaini has, learn bout the business fr TS & get to know the pharma ppl dy, set up similar business to fight wif TS... poor TS... TS worrying tat tis will affect his business??? I don think so, TS knows whr he stands in the pharma business as long as he is ALIVE!

LPC & Rosaini - how can they get along, will nvr happen! both wan the same thing - POWER! They will alwiz fight to b ahead of each other.

Well, in pharma business, I think LPC knows more & is much much superior than Rosaini lor. I wud listen to LPC rather than Rosaini. This Rosaini simply say things!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It has been Confirmed!!

Just got the news updated from Jean, that En Rosaini has tender his resignation to TS. He will be leaving the company by end of this month. According to Jean when she chit chat with Rosaini, his out side project with others people doing similar nature of business setting up progress is about at >50%.

TS is waiting Rosaini come to him and discuss, while on the other hand Rosaini is waiting TS to call him for a further talk. Both party keep waiting and waiting...Jean claimed that TS worries could be Rosaini will effect his empayar, maybe TS will counter offer him to stay back. But Rosaini seem to be unlikely to stay back as he really, really can't get along with our beloved sister LPC.

Jean also claimed that TS too pamper LPC and leaving her to mis-used her authority and interfere Management level position holder like Rosaini's decision.

In my opinion, Rosaini should leave, cause working with TS is effecting his health condition. Recently he was hospitalization due to something "bengkak" in his brain, whereby he is required a lots a lots of rest. Working with TS never a gain, earn little salary in return we contribute our family quality time and health.

Oh, one last thing to update you all..the No5 Jalan Beka bungalow which now in the midst of renovating for Azid to stay, is has been confirmed by Saiful and Azad, TS spent about RM400++K on the renovation. How I wish I was in Azid shoes, which I promises I will make good use of my father's money. *Sigh*

Ok, stop here will update more when I get more information. Send my hug and kisses to Yvan and TKR..really miss both of them.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011