Monday, May 23, 2011


Yo gals,
Long time no chat !!
Ya-wor, i agreed with Jess, Yvan's eyebrow is quite "hairless" like Mama!!
Prima going to Japan??!! At this time when there's nuclear scare???!!! Hmmm, i wonder what's in TS & PC's mind ......!! btw, good luck to them all!! No wonder Shy complaining in FB that everyone is travelling, except her!! Ha ha ha!! Well, at least TS & PC lived up to thir words!!!
I have headache trying to think of a place to go during the coming school holidays .... surfed the net for Bukit Gambang Resort (but was told no fun), Berjaya Tioman Island Resort (but too expensive!!), Penang (starting to feel bored going to Penang as been there > 5 times liao) .....dunno where to go-ler!! haih!! HELP!!
Wow ....Yvan's maiden outstation trip to Penang, btw, have yr in-laws met up with Yvan yet???
Well, i can see that you are enjoying yourself, taking care of little Yvan and boy .....he's gonna be a real "big" boy, just like his daddy!!
That's all for now!!

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