Friday, May 20, 2011

Enjoy All Your Busy Weekend! Haha..

I guess thats the nature of baby, they like attention, play and entertainment from the parent. Same thing applied to my another gals pal's daughter, also doesn't like to take bath, until the parent turn the bath room become a play ground with all the toys around, then only she wanted to take bath, cause those toys only can be play during bathing time..haha!

I can see that he is such a big boy now, but please lar, don't compare him with a baby girl lar. How to compare? Boy is always bigger, stronger and tougher then girl mah, you should compare apple to apple. Some more, look at Papa Soh size. Like father like son lor...hahaha..btw I like the fisherman hat, it make him look even more cute, like a Japanese boy.

No worry about our gathering, once you are free, just inform SK to arrange lor. Debut Yvan's 1st outstation trip, I can image the Papa Soh and mama will pack like moving house.

I heard from SK, that PG is working now, so you can manage to take care and look after Yvan without Papa Soh assistance lor, expect now oledi? Where is PG working?

Is it Lena's semester break holiday? How long is her holiday here? Your mum must be overwhelm with the joys and funs having all of you gather together.


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