Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Whoa whoa =)

SHY initially said sacrifice d Jap trip geh...then today she decided to go in Sept after her delivery & confinemt wor...
Well, it shud b cheap to go now.... advantage for need to pay so much... clever! hahaha
Well, actually stil ok to go to non-affected regions mah, not d whole Jap affected... SK, u can consider to go there during skool hol! hahaha...muz b cheap now to go....unless if u r preg again, then shud not go :P

Monday, May 23, 2011


Yo gals,
Long time no chat !!
Ya-wor, i agreed with Jess, Yvan's eyebrow is quite "hairless" like Mama!!
Prima going to Japan??!! At this time when there's nuclear scare???!!! Hmmm, i wonder what's in TS & PC's mind ......!! btw, good luck to them all!! No wonder Shy complaining in FB that everyone is travelling, except her!! Ha ha ha!! Well, at least TS & PC lived up to thir words!!!
I have headache trying to think of a place to go during the coming school holidays .... surfed the net for Bukit Gambang Resort (but was told no fun), Berjaya Tioman Island Resort (but too expensive!!), Penang (starting to feel bored going to Penang as been there > 5 times liao) .....dunno where to go-ler!! haih!! HELP!!
Wow ....Yvan's maiden outstation trip to Penang, btw, have yr in-laws met up with Yvan yet???
Well, i can see that you are enjoying yourself, taking care of little Yvan and boy .....he's gonna be a real "big" boy, just like his daddy!!
That's all for now!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

New discovery!

Lina, I just realize one thing that Yvan look like you. Which he don't have much eyebrow like you. Very light colour eyebrow, not just light, but also less hair.

Atleast something he look like you. Hahaha...


Enjoy All Your Busy Weekend! Haha..

I guess thats the nature of baby, they like attention, play and entertainment from the parent. Same thing applied to my another gals pal's daughter, also doesn't like to take bath, until the parent turn the bath room become a play ground with all the toys around, then only she wanted to take bath, cause those toys only can be play during bathing time..haha!

I can see that he is such a big boy now, but please lar, don't compare him with a baby girl lar. How to compare? Boy is always bigger, stronger and tougher then girl mah, you should compare apple to apple. Some more, look at Papa Soh size. Like father like son lor...hahaha..btw I like the fisherman hat, it make him look even more cute, like a Japanese boy.

No worry about our gathering, once you are free, just inform SK to arrange lor. Debut Yvan's 1st outstation trip, I can image the Papa Soh and mama will pack like moving house.

I heard from SK, that PG is working now, so you can manage to take care and look after Yvan without Papa Soh assistance lor, expect now oledi? Where is PG working?

Is it Lena's semester break holiday? How long is her holiday here? Your mum must be overwhelm with the joys and funs having all of you gather together.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Generally all well so far...catching up on d rest & Zzzz we deprived of past 2 mths

bz bz bz....

Yvan - 2.5mths... started cooing & smiling dy (d best least not juz crying tat he knows)...he likes attention & us to play & 'entertain' him... enjoy bathing dy unlike 1st 1.5mths, dreadful everytime bathing him, cried till d top of his lungs! He is gonna b a big boy! - kuat minum nen nen

Yvan 2mths++ vs his cousin gal 3mth++ (hahaha)

As for when to meet up .... mmmm...bzbzbz for next few wkNs.... tis coming wkN (21st) my sis will b back & need to pick her etc.... d following wkN my mum will b here.... d following wkN will travel to Penang to attend PG's best fren wedding & to drop by in-laws place. It'll b Yvan's debut outstation roadtrip... afterthat may only b free... so I guess 2nd wkN of June onwards...

As for myself, all my time locked up by Yvan lor.... but I guess after few more mths, shud b better

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Yvan is so cute!!

His not chubby but cute. Sooooo, damn cute and in too. Now is summer and his is wearing stripe line tee, so in.

When are we going to meet up? Wanted to play with him so much lar.

May be, we can do potluck, so everyone of us can gather at your home for some chat and catch up some good time.

How are you lately?


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To all my buddy out there, wishing you a Happy Mother's Day with your love one and children.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dino Soh

Joining mami & daddi to watch the Royal Wedding :)

Pandai dy hahaha