Friday, February 25, 2011

Is Melbourne Clean and Safe?

Ok, then we will visit you after your confinement period, but remember don't buy the mobile compact foldable changing pad since me and SK will get one as your baby shower gift.

When is PG coming back? When is your mum coming? Have you pack your bag? How you feel as Dino arrival is approaching near? I bet is must be felt "Great" being a mum.

Well, as for me now is busy booking hotel and planning the itinerary for the Australia trip. As am very fuzzy and particular about the cleanness of bath room, so I having a little argument on the hotel with Anne and the hotels rate is not cheap for a conformable room. I heard a lot of friends told me that the cleanness of Australia is so so only. Asked me don't take backpacker hostels, but backpacker hostel is very cheap and worthy.

Another headache issue is the itinerary, we don't know where to go, best to go and how to go. We had been browsing internet for the itinerary but start half way stop and re-start again then half way stop again due to interruption from works and calls. As we are de-listed from the suspension list, orders and quotations request coming in non-stop. Any best advice or tips where to go and how to plan our trip? Really appreciate a useful tips and advices now.

By the way, is it dangerous travelling in Australia, since you warn me about take care of my belonging?

Hope the con-casanova will left me alone, otherwise, if he dare to call me again, I'm going to dig out the name of the badminton kaki which he claimed. If he is genuine, he should be able to give me the name, if he not and give me a tom dick and harry's name, I going to make him embarrass kau kau...hahaha!


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