Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello BFFs

Yay!!! Way to go Jess! U r bz for good reasons!!!! Keep it up :)

Jess, today SHY posted on her FB tat her perdana has been stolen while parked at 1U.... pity her....sigh... Juz hope she will have better days soon...

Well, my yoga sifu death... haih.... too sudden & too one wud expect tat to happen...not in a million yrs... he was perfectly well & fine, no symptoms or sick symptoms at all fact he was conducting training 22-28th Jan in Kuching. Then he was bac in KL & 30th Jan he was not feeling well suddenly, tot he had stomach upset & food he juz went to see a normal doc in a clinic, given some food poisoning medications...then he continued to be sick & weaker until he cud not crawl out of his sickbed...on 8th, his aunty advised him to admit to hosp dy, rather than visiting d clinic again & again bcoz he was not getting better. So he admitted to Pantai Bangsar for some tests & a CT scan...scan showed a dark shadow inside his then his condition started to get worse...very fast...his belly was bloated...he was weaker & weaker...doc suspected liver infection & d growth inside d liver was actually getting bigger too fast...then on 13th, his condition became worse, he was admitted to ICU bcoz he had breathing difficulty & his kidney function was deteriorating, according to doc infection spreading...his platelet count was very low, even juz poke needle, he bleed continuously I doc had no choice but to wait for him to be more stable b4 they did a biopsy for him...tat was to take out some tissue to test for growth etc....cancerous or not etc.... I think he did biopsy on 14th Feb, then 15th Feb ard 1250am he passed away...peacefully... so u see, juz took 2wks so to end his life....he was 44yrs old when he passed away on 15th Feb...he didnt pass his bday on 21st He was cremated & his ashes was released into d sea. Live life to fullest man, nvr know wat will happen tmr & so on....

It was a HUGE lost in d yoga community in Msia...really no one can replace him....sigh

SK said u gals will b meeting up at MidV tis Sat 4-7pm....I'll see how I feel, if I m not too tired on tat day, I shall appear :P difficult to predict these days esp towards due date....

Well, tq 1st & foremost for ur thotfulness to get sumting for Dino...haha... Wat I think cud b useful will b tat cloth to cover d body while breastfeeding in public areas or a mobile compact foldable changing pad...otherwise I m totally fine with anything u gals choose :)

We have got several dates for delivery, will discuss wif doc tis Fri when I go for check up again. We will let u gals know when Dino has arrived hahaha... as for now , d sifu who calculated d dates for us advises us not to broadcast d dates 1st bcoz afraid d more broadcast, then 'backfire' & it doesnt happen on d day we intend to welcome Dino.... will keep u gals posted, don worry :) & don kan cheong, Jess... i don wan to b kan cheong oso...hahaha

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