Saturday, April 14, 2012

Call us HOT CHICK now!!

Halo, Just went out with Jean and Cheng for a cuppa last week at PJ area. Same complaints received from them like you all. Claiming that I lost contact with them for so long. Since I'm in PJ area last Friday, so I called them for a cuppa near by while waiting the traffic jam hours pass. I get to knew that Aznan and Nardia got a baby boy and Nardia is spending her confinement period at her mom's house. They said Aznan managed to convect his dad to allow him to move out, but TS still not allowing Azad to move out, guess must be his love to his cucu (Azad's kids) are greater by now. According to they comments, it seem like TS also very sayang Kartina, sometime TS will seek for her opinion on business decision matters. Our beloved "Chili Padi" is getting slimmer by going Gym and also the effect of LOVE. (suspected only without facts). It seem like she also one of the TS favorite pet too, cause she dare Jean to take over her position, she talk to TS and make her fired. She is challenge Jean that TS will not fire her. (What a childish mind, I almost laugh until my jaw drop). My Macau trip is not over yet,it is coming soon this month end. I never wish or dream to meet hunky guy oversea, but always dying to meet a richest guy from oversea so that I can retire and live a charming life like you all..... Ok, stop now will baat guat more next round. Namaste,

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