Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Generally all well so far...catching up on d rest & Zzzz we deprived of past 2 mths

bz bz bz....

Yvan - 2.5mths... started cooing & smiling dy (d best least not juz crying tat he knows)...he likes attention & us to play & 'entertain' him... enjoy bathing dy unlike 1st 1.5mths, dreadful everytime bathing him, cried till d top of his lungs! He is gonna b a big boy! - kuat minum nen nen

Yvan 2mths++ vs his cousin gal 3mth++ (hahaha)

As for when to meet up .... mmmm...bzbzbz for next few wkNs.... tis coming wkN (21st) my sis will b back & need to pick her etc.... d following wkN my mum will b here.... d following wkN will travel to Penang to attend PG's best fren wedding & to drop by in-laws place. It'll b Yvan's debut outstation roadtrip... afterthat may only b free... so I guess 2nd wkN of June onwards...

As for myself, all my time locked up by Yvan lor.... but I guess after few more mths, shud b better

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