Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Trip to Japan - 2nd Day

2nd Day, we heading to Kiyomizu Temple, along the way we walked to the Temple at up of the hill. There will be a lots of typical Japanese souvenirs shops along the street. In this Temple, there is a Love Stone inside, which believe when you touch the stone with your eyes closed, you will find your true love....I was about wanted to carry the stone back home...haha!!

I tasted the Green Tea Ice-cream here, hmmm yummy, so rich of green tea taste. Nice, but not many appreciated the taste, they find it too strong, for me...I'm just loving it.

We went to Kinkakuji Temple, where they said throw a 5 cent yen and pray, your will meet your true love, that make all of us crazy taking photo with showing our hand "5" in some of the photos you may see from FB.

I guess my love wishes come true, in one of the R & R stop, there are so drinks machines display along the walk way to R & R restaurant. You know what kind of drink the machines selling? Love of my So convenience, so many choices and the taste...hmmm so good. Heaven!!

We ended our day tour with riding bullet train. Standing at the station and seeing the train pass thru, you will feel the impact of the speed, once you step inside the train, you won't feel the speed at all, the train was sooo steady.


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