Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lina & Shella conversation this morning

Shella: Hi Lina
Lina: hi shella. how r u ah :):)
Shella: OK.....still around :):) You in Dubai?
Lina: haha. in abu dhabi :):) u r in office now?
Shella: Very nice photos...keep in touch :):)
Lina: how was sales for last yr ? of coz wil keep in touch. if i go back, will drop by visit u :):)
Shella: Yup in the office, not going for lunch that's why can go into FB. Office nowadays only lunch time can access to cham...
Lina: very cham oh like tat...very sian
Shella: Last year sales was bad.. First time didnt hit the tier incentive. Only got the 1 1/2 month bonus.
Lina: tat's all??? cham lor
Lina: tender no good ah? lost many tenders ah?
Shella: Tender ok but i heard hospitals dont have money for "christmas shopping" Nov & Dec... I dont know exactly but we didnt even reach the first tier.
Lina: cham lor. TS muz b not happy bout it
Shella: Well..i dont know whether is it TS set the target too high for us to hit or the sales is really so bad. Every thing is P&C on the target. Only PC knows what level we have reached
Lina: wua. so last yr u all don get to see the figure u actually need to hit la.... cannot b like tat one mah....unfair isnt it. sigh, sometimes thiings beyond our choice. seems like not siok ady work in prima strict & etc
Shella: Only individual staff will know their own target and they have to check with PC as and when they want to know the sales they have achieve as at to-date. Not like YCC used to let all the sales people know which level we are currently
Lina: i c, different style ady la. wua, d girls muz b very sad tis time, so much less bonus than previous yrs
Shella: Yup...the sales team tak ada semangat at all
Lina: is tis the 1st time tat bad, nvr hit 1st tier
Shella: Yup first time..the girs only get their LPOs incentives and their individual target
Lina: chaarm lor. history!
Shella: Well...of course sad and tight spending for CNY lor.

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