Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SK going to Kill ME!

Hahahahaha......I kind of like it, but for sure SK going to kill me next round when she see me, cause ACCORDING to her she not that BAAT GUA.....hahahaha!!! Yea rite.....

SK, just admit it lar. Only three of us here...hahahahaha.....

But hor, Lina you are most baat gua among all of us lor, I also influenced by you geh. Every time, we met online, you sure will asked anything to baat gua....since you profession now is housewife, baat gua become you main activity liao.

I am the little baat gua among here, recall those were the days when we in Prima, I hardly baat around, only focus on work, even lunch I also sacrificed just to complete my job...(think back I found it stupid, why I sacrificed my social network hour for Prima) and always the last to know what happen around in Prima.

So, I should called myself "mini baat gua" member. Hahaha....


Sunday, January 23, 2011

New name to usher into 2011

Toong toong chiang!!!! New name for our blog to usher into d BitBit year!!!! (Jess's idea) XD