Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Are you sure is hot like oven? or is warm by next to PG with full of love and caring? haha...We thought of celebrate your birthday earlier before you fly back to ABD, in view of your tight schedule, looks like we only can pass the present to you when you next trip back to Malaysia.

Sorry to heard about your grandma. Don't thank me for the advise, is you initiate to visit her as much as you can. Missing her..is definitely as she been in and through out your childhood memory. No doubt she is no longer here, but her love never apart from you and your family.

When is Lena leaving? I thought you will be going to US from ABD to help her establish and settle down at US? How you miss her, exactly how she missed you when you move to ABD. Don't worry, time fly, she will be back before you knew it. Some more, now you got another reason to travel to US....hmmm I love America. Hey, I got this kind of thought, since every time when you are back to homeland, you always plan to Bali for retreat, can me and SK follow too or maybe after your retreat course completed, we will come and meet you for jalan jalan (travel)? What do you think SK?

SK, since Lina now back to ABD, can we carry on our gathering for shopping and lunch somewhere around end of coming July? I will be a bit free by then, before puasa month start.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Back in ABD...the oven, grill place

Sorry for not posting anything for so long hehehee..... had been very very busy lately since after out SDK trip.... gosh...

Jess, thank you so much for tapping my mind to visit my grandma 2 yrs ago, since then I nvr fail to visit my grandma each time I went back to SDK... I came to realise how much this has meant to me & my grandma ( I hope she knew)... She was very peaceful when she left us... & I missed her

How's work SK? How's life?

I'm not sure when my next trip will b though. I m missing my sister too...haha..somemore she gonna go to US soon...less chance to see her in future