Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Blog


Really been a long while since we last wrote something on our lil blog. I searched my gmail for the email that Lina sent me the link to our blog ..... well, at least now i can write on the blog in TAR College when i am bored ...... like NOW!!! ha ha ha

Yes, how time flies ..... it seems like Lina's just been back in KL and now she'll b leaving next month!!

Glad to know that yr uncle is recovering speedily and wow is he fit or wat .... all that swimming!!! I alwaz wish that i can swim but then once water level higher than my height, i start to feel uneasy and "drown-i-n-g" .... so how to learn to swim???

Truly looking forward to our Sandakan trip next week!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Wow Wow Wow

It has been AWHILE (very very long AWHILE) since I last dropped my words here. OMG, half of my break here gone, 1.5mths more I'll be leaving again.

My uncle with the bypass....he is fine, return home last Sunday... he is very very super fit, tat's why his recovery faster too. Can u imagine he used to swim 40 laps for a reasonably sized pool everyday (except weekends I guess) b4 his bypass... we all oso lost to him on this point.

I'll b off to HK next thurs....yay... for a wk.... then will b our SDK trip....

SK, onboard her new job with a fab head I m sure! :D Good head start! Hehehehe