Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our experienced mummie blogger

Our yoga teacher, Jo... juz gave birth mah, so those yoginis hot topic lately were sharing their experiences.... most scare a hell out of me & discouraging lor... I rmbr SK's experience no such thing ... so I wanna interview :P SK & right after tat I felt more encouraging again lor :) ... Well if not I stil in ABD for another year, I wud like to plan to hv baby sooner geh....

How's Uncle Hiew? Rest more lor.... I mean Uncle Hiew :)

Yes, no prob! Our next outing will b at Pavilion :)

SK, if u felt good after u resign, tat means u r making the right choice & no regret! Yay!
Jess, u nvr look at the comment that i wrote on Lina's Lululemon post ........ otherwise u would hv known that Lululemon is a brand for Yoga outfit .......i'm afraid something u can't put into your mouth-lah muahahahahahah!!!!!

How's your father now? Recovering steadily i'm sure. Buy him a pair of sunglasses-oh!

You know what? After i tendered my resignation ........ i actually felt "lighter" by the day!!!! Soon, i think i can "FLY"!!! I thot i would be feeling worry or sumtin like that as dunno wat to do ...... but then no-lah ........ just sit back & relax first ....

this Sunday got to WORK!!!! Shit Shit Shit!!!!!!

Til later ...... Cheers!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Temporary Goodbye Buddy!

Time to say goodbye again, and see you again in October (I'm sure PG miss you like crazy). I'm also will miss you like crazy, p(*~*)q sob, sob...hey why so sad, aren't we have this blog continue our non-stop caring, sharing, chatting and not forget gossiping.

I'm so sorry that we can't make another round gathering before you fly off to ABD. Don't worry, I will reserve my 1st visit to Pavillion until you are back from ABD.

Just curious, from the blog you posted, are you having baby planning in the near future? Better tell me earlier, cause I need to start my saving plan for yours baby shower gift and new born baby gift =P

Have a safe journey back to your honey's arm, and take care until we meet again in October and don't forget our promises, gathering at Pavilion.

By the way, what is lululemon? Izzit a food? Where can I try?

We support you, SK

Fire away the ciplak company. We support you.

Don't be hard feeling with your mum statement, as you said, she never work in any organization, she never have a chance to experience the suck of management. As long as you think you are making the right move, by all mean go ahead, if you think you can't stand the lousy and ciplak system and feel like want to walk away, just do it. As long as you happy, thats matter.

Go slow, hunt around and look for a better job that you like to do, do it for fulfill you time at the same time also must fulfill your fix expenses. Then you will feel happy.

I'm so curious and wondering how is your boss and lady boss face expression when you silently slap them with your action.

Sayonara ... I will miss both of u

The next time I post a blog...will be fr ABD :( Sayonara for now & see u guys in Oct!! xoxoxoxo

Tired and Touching

I'm so touching by all your wishes to my dad, Thank you.

Thanks god the operation went successful and smoothly as I planned. And this afternoon, he has dis-charge from hospital since admitted on Monday. I was like running up and down making sure he is fine and giving him comfort, cause he look worry. At the same time, also need to make sure my mum not worry too (she look so sad when my dad have to admit hospital).

Even make the situation worse, my Singapore's relative coming to visit us in a big group, on Monday and Tuesday.

And my phone non-stop ringing, cause I managed to secure 2 big jobs from my clients after a stiff competition with other competitor, bad news is I was given a short period to deliver. The client keep calling me when I was at hospital with my dad, I have to work from hospital to get my supplier to kick off the production.

Finally the operation took place on Tuesday after postponed so many times, due to few patients with serious and urgent conditions and need immediate attention. When my dad push out from the surgery hall, and he smile at me, out of the sudden all my tiredness, burden, worries and fear "puff" gone, the whole body felt good.

I felt even more great when I reading this blog, your wishes and concern make me felt warm and love. Thank you.

My 1st visit to Pavillion

Sorry gals, I had left out from the blog for sooo long, kind of busy with works and family matters for the past two weeks.

My 1st time visit to Pavillion will be with my both best friends aka sisterhood of elephant leg. I'm so excited about it. Hope we can make it when Lina coming back next trip during October.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

After Jo gave birth, many topics on child delivery & confinement ...kinda scare me bcoz of d pantangs esp..

SK, can u share ur experince again here?

How long ur C-sec wound took to heal?

Hair washing during confinement?

Monday, July 27, 2009

actually i haven't really sat down and think what i would like to do 2 months later. Perhaps to take up the challenge that my sister has been talking about ...... to bring my parents back to China Hometown !!! Also i hv told Mr Teh that in the future ..... he can drop me near Tawakal Hospital so that i can walk to Titiwangsa for my morning exercise session where thereafter i can walk back to my mum's place. It'll b good exercise no doubt abt it!!

Last Sat & yesterday went to Titiwangsa for exercise sessions with the kids ..... not bad at all!! No wonder TKW & TKY love to go Titiwangsa!!

TKW suggested that i should take up a job that only need to work 2 hours a day ....hmmmm i wonder got such job-ar?? He wants the rest of my time to him & his brother & sister-wor! Kids!!

My mum, as usual, nagged that i should only tender my resignation upon finding a new job. I told her sometimes LIFE isn't about working only ..... she never work before (like us, of course she contributed in a different way as housewife) .... i also dunno how to make her understand how i feel right now .... that i just need a rest .....

Too bad Lina can't make it to the chunky fish noodle session as both ciplak & lady boss went outstation ... missed out on a Golden Opportunity to "Curi Ayam" !!! Ha ha ha

Today is our ex-boss Tan Sri's b'day ...... sent him a B'day Sms ...... got back a really simple & short reply "tq so much for the bday wish" ..... so Lina, did u send him a b'day wish??

Jess, will pray for your father's successful operation tomorrow and hope that he'll have a speedy recovery!!! Don't worry too much about it, this kind of operation is rather common for the elderly folks ..... my father did both his eyes dy and my mum also doctor said one side got cataract (dunno whether spelling correct or not).....

Well, that's all for now ....... Cheers!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

SK, wat's ur plan 2 mths down d road?

By d time u r jobless, I will back again ... mid Oct I m coming back again.... SK, hv u tot about wat will happen 2 mths down d road? Sabbatical leave? heehee

I jus notice SK's nick!

Action-nya SK! 'Blogger Black Pearl'!! I tot I saw only 'Black Pearl' the other day :P

Oh no!!!

I m leaving in 4 days time?!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

SK, I m so sooooo proud of u!

Yes!!! Finally!! So proud of U to tell him off & tat lady boss too... Aaaaaaaa.... & SK, u muz feel lighter now... i mean not physically lighter :P but mentally & emotionally...
Do worry, I m sure God has His plan for u.... too much of stupidest stuff fr d ciplak till u finally snap out & u know wat u want, U wan to call it a quit! Yes! 2mths.... mmmm... u stil can hunt for another job geh... How was ciplak's rxn when u told him off? U like silently slap on both their faces :P

We support u!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The ciplak boss called me into his room ..... 1st Question that he asked "wat's wrong with u?" I told him "nothing's wrong with me." Then again he started bragging abt the boring history of his companies ....... beat ard the bush ... then only asked Y he has never receive any daily report from me? I told him his daily report thingy may b good and definitely not suitable for ALL departments ...... and it's definitely not for Accounts Dept! He even offered to "teach" me how to do up the reports!!!!! I told him no need as i don't plan to give him any daily report and that i am giving him my resignation letter!

That's it ....... end of story!! Then i sms Mr Teh abt the matter and he called back and said just one thing "Freedom ..... finally!"

Yes .... i do feel good ..............

THE DAY has finally arrived !!!!

How time flies ....... very soon Lina will fly back to PG (who has started counting down the days already!)

As for me ....... i have decided ...... to quit my job ....... very tired-lah (both mentally and physically)..... not from this job actually ... but accumulated all these years, i guess. Yesterday the lady boss sent me an email .... "Warning" me that i MUST wear the ciplak T-shirt on every Friday (as i have only worn it once! Damn hot & ugly T-shirt!) and that i must send them the stupidest "daily report" detailing what i have been doing everyday ...... what an insult!!!!!! In addition, not forgetting the ever stupidest weekly management meeting ..... listening to all non-sense (100 times worse than Prima's monthly operation meeting). Well, enough is enough! I thought i can bear with it slightly longer .. as i would like my daughter to finish her 2009 pre-school academic year (as i don't want her to change school at some odd time), i guess i just can't anymore .... the moment i saw that email .... i sms Mr Teh telling him that i want to quit already .... he ..... as usual .... told me to go ahead .... yeah what a suppotive husband!!!!

As for my daughter, i'm afraid she'll just stop pre-school by end of September-lor as left with Oct and ~3 weeks of Nov .... I'll teach her at home by myself-lor!!!

Guess what ..... i still din't wear that ciplak T-shirt to work!! Ha, the lady boss will b furious to see that!! Nvm .... i dun give a damn anymore ...........i planned to give her back her T-shirt when i handed in my letter!!!

Must really use the 2 months' notice period to work out what i want to do during my Jobless days ....... any suggestions gals??


Send my blessings to ur dad, Jersey Gal

Jersey Gal, send my blessings to Uncle Hiew to recover well after surgery!

So bz when I m leaving soon :(

Had a mad day....esp afternoon.. hired a maid to clean the new house... Luckily I decided to help out on certain things... otherwise wont be able to finish eventho 4hrs! Gosh! It was 1pm to 5pm. When my sis saw me after sending the maid off... her 1st ques...'r u doing d work or d maid? Ur hair so messy, looked like u r more like a maid' Oh gosh! hahaha...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Someone once said i do not have a "career line" on my palm ......hmmmm i wonder how come i am still working??? :)-

Yesterday and today also busy drawing flowcharts ...... haih!! "Fu Mang"!!

Guess what ....... tomorrow is my ciplak boss' B'day! Same month wif TS!!

Jess ... pls promise us that u won't b visiting Pavillion until our next gals' outing sometime in October ..... let the 2 of us accompanying you on your maiden trip to Pavillion!!!

Cheers for now

Monday, July 20, 2009

My weakness ....

My weakness is I cannot resist Lululemon! But muahahaha... I take it as a challenge... my weakness when come to Lululemon is my challenge! Say only is a challenge :P

SK, u know my crazy love for Lululemon... Jersey may be scratching ur head... wat d hell is Lululemon???

I m so happy, so happy!

No... I m not pregnant ok... muahahaha... I m so glad u guys really 'so efficient' in making effort to get our blog started :D yay!!!! Toast! Toast! Toast!!!!! Because I was expecting SK may take a few days to figure out as she is not very IT geh :P & not bcoz she was bz at work :P She doesnt intend to work hard for ciplak u see... Whereas for Jersey, I was expecting a few weeks to get started contributing to our blog becoz she is alwiz a bz bz bz bz lady!!!! Jersey, I m totally so sooooo impressed!!! Hahaha

Whr is d shopping stamina I used to hv ....

Juz a day trip down to spore... wua!!!! my legs & feet & hips extremely sore bcoz of the walking!! My backbone oso straighten! Aiyo, muz admit old dy! Old dy lor.... Nevertheless, I m stil the youngest blogger for our blog :P muahahahahaha!

Hey, I am looking forward to our Pavilion meet-up :D Furthermore, it'll be Ms Jersey's 1st visit wor. I m so honor to teman Ms Jersey hahaha (Yau mou gao chor ar, ah Jersey mou hui gor Paavilian ar :P)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mmmmm...Elephant Leg???

Yo ...... at 1st i thought it was a junk mail when i received an invitation from Sisterhood of Elephant Legs. Ha, indeed a unique name ...
Indeed we had a wonderful time yesterday afternoon despite wearing a not too comfortable pair of sandals though. Normally after one left an organisation it's kind of hard (my past experience) to keep "close" contact with ex-colleagues but i think we did well so far ..... so gals keep it up!!!

Truly looking forward to our next sisterhood gathering at Pavillion!!!

Newborn - Sisterhood of elephant leg's blog

Oh yeah, our chit chat blog has born. Now we can share everything that happen to us on this blog, our thought, our opinion, our life, our happiness and sadness and etc. Not to forget our gossip too..ha ha ha. But the name of our blog kind of funny, there are some many name on earth, sexy leg, skinny leg, carrot leg, chopstick leg, or kaki polio, but Lina pick up elephant leg. However, I find it unique and special. I really having a great time today with you all, mingle around with both of you, I felt nice and happy and myself. Most of the time when I facing my clients, I have to put on a mask, felt like my life is empty. But when I was around with you all, I can be myself, the person who I want to be, I'm looking forward our next appointment at Pavilion. Once again Happy Birthday Lina and to our blog as well. Lets toast for our blog and friendship forever.

A hate-love thing... tat's life

I hv been avoiding to teach yoga all these while. Despite so many workshops & TTC, I nvr feel I was ready to teach. I don't hv confidence at all frankly speaking. But! I dunno whr I found my guts to agree to Jo to teach during her maternity! Who gave me the guts tat split second?!! Haha... Well, I prepared as much & was so nervous the 1st class & off I taught the 1st class! & 2nd & 3rd & so on... My love towards teaching has grown over these few weeks.. Tomorrow (the 20th July 2009) supposed to be my last class but two. However I am not able to teach tomorrow as I am heading to Singapore. I kinda dont wish to miss teaching the class - LOVE. On the other hand, I kinda relief & happy because I can skip preparing a class for tomorrow - HATE. I would love to teach but I hate to prepare for the class. So u tell me how :P

The birth of elephant leg

So I have created our blog for us on 19th July 2009. We just had a wonderful time at KLCC this afternoon :D The diary of sisterhood of elephant leg. Don't ask me y I named d blog such :P hahaha... 'sisterhood' was in my birthday card... SK mentioned bout elephant leg today... so I guess that's how this blog name came about :D I think it is absolutely special, dont u think so!!?? hahaha